Marxists Flashcards
why do marxists have a negative view of the family?
its a part of the superstructure that creates false class consciousness. it exists to serve capitalists
made of social institutions and create r/c ideology and false class consciousness
false class consciousness
convincing w/c that society should be the way it is
role of family : reproduction
family serves capitalism as when w/c reproduce, they’re creating the future workforce for the r/c because the children will have nothing to inherit and therefore need to work whereas when the r/c reproduce, they create legitimate heirs to inherit property
role of family : reproduction CRITICISM
marxists ignore family diversity and only believe in the nuclear family- some families may not have children
role of family : inheritance of private property- ENGELS
- nuclear monogamous family was only created to guarantee male heirs so the r/c could give their property to their heirs
- primitive communism= no private property, everything is shared
- family serves capitalism as it enables r/c to pass their property to heirs by guaranteeing their paternity through monogamous marriage
role of family : inheritance of private property- ENGELS- CRITICISM
its an outdated theory as in the 20th century, social mobility exists
role of family : unit of consumption- MARCUSE
family serves capitalism as they generate profits for capitalists.
- advertisers urge families to consume all vastest products - ‘keeping up with the Joneses’
- media targets children so they persuade parents to buy them things- ‘pester power’
- w/c are distracted by this instead of equality
role of family : unit of consumption- MARCUSE- CRITICISM
capitalists have higher living standards so people choose to live in it as it has benefits
role of family : false haven or sanctuary- ZARETSKY
family offers a haven from the harsh and exploitative world of capitalism by saying workers can have a private life- they feel safe at home with their family.
However, zaretsky says this is all an illusion and the family cant meet the needs of its members and the family sends you back to work which the r/c benefit from
role of family : false haven or sanctuary- ZARETSKY- CRITICM
parsons theory- the family stabilises you
role of family : socialisation and ideological state apparatus - ALTHUSSER
family serves capitalism as they control the way we think and makes us think the way that the r/c want us to- they want us to think inequality’s inevitable and that someone’s always in control/ always is a hierarchy so we have to be obedient.
This is shown through family roles
role of family : socialisation and ideological state apparatus - ALTHUSSER- CRITICISM
ignores other family structures
is deterministic as it suggests that kids cannot rebel