Marxist theories on crime and subcultures Flashcards
According to chambliss who makes the rules and who benefits?
Laws are mad e by the state and represent the view of the ruling class and benefits them , whilst exploiting the working class
what are some contemporary laws that show this theory is still relevant ?
the criminalisation of squatting in UK and non-dom status
what is a law that doesn’t benefit ruling class?
health and safety laws are at the benefit of w/c but a lot of the time are ignored and don’t really work
what does Gordon suggest the cause of crime is?
Argues crime is a rational response to capitalism , it is found in all social classes even though official statistics blame w/c poverty- crime is inevitable for w/c
what is a good point of Gordan?
takes into account multiple types of crime
what is a critique of Gordon?
too deterministic (not all w/c people commit crime)
how does althusser say certain things perform a ideological function for capitalism ?
media- it portrays criminals as disturbed individuals concealing the fact that capitalism makes people criminals
laws- laws are passed which create the impression that they are in the interest of the w/c
hwo does Pearce support althusser?
supports that health and safety laws create a caring image from the government
what is a critique of althusser?
this theory ignores the relationship between crime and non-class inequalities such as ethnicity or gender
what criticisms of Marxisms are neo- Marxists to address?
traditional too deterministic
what do neo-marxists agree with traditional Marxists about?
economy is an important factor in crime
capitalism is to blame for crime as it causes inequalities and that is the root of all crime
if we are to get rid of crime we must get rise of capitalism
what does Taylor, Walter and young talk about?
capitalism labeling and the individual it takes into crime. A fully social theory of deviance
how was hall et al used as an example of t,w and y research?
looked at the black muggers as a moral panic that created deviancy amplification due to the government needing a scapegoat and focus the publics attention on something else, blame on the label
what are the evaluations of neo-marxists ?
isn’t limited in the crime itself being committed in the first place , isn’t as limited as Marxists or internationalists
nothing to do with gender/ ethnicity and crime
what are the different types of crime?
blue collar
white collar
how do the bcccs explain deviance?
they explain juvenile delinquency through rituals and symbols
who did phil cohen study ?
the skinheads and they emerged as as a symbolic solution to decline in w/c communities and capitalist attempts to control w/c , also a resistance to ethnic minorities taking over their job
what did hebdridge study?
studied the punks, anti-consumerism , create own style as a resistance
who did hall and Jefferson study?
teddy boys resistance to capitalism, as w/c people (not done well in school) didnt think it was fair that they missed out
what did brake say the magical illusion was?
that subcultures create an illusion of how an individual is different and lights up a dull dreary world, but in the end they end up like parents
what is a critique of Marxist subcultures?
muggleton- argued youth cultures from60s to 70s were w/c . however hippies were seen as middle class and there are no explanation as to why these young people were deviant.
what is another critique of Marxism in relation to ethnicity?
Marxists have ignored the importance of ethnicity in their study of youth subcultures , class is not the only form of inequalities in society and certain groups have formed youth cultures as a reaction to inequalities e.g. Rastafarianism