Marxist Perspective Flashcards
Similarities to Functionalism
Structural perspective on the family, look at how the family contributes to maintenance of society’s structure
Differences to Functionalism
Do not see nuclear family as necessary
See family in capitalist society
Nuclear family concerned with social control- teaches submission to capitalist class + emphasises reproduction of unequal relationships + works to damp down social conflict
Nuclear family exists as a means of passing on private property to heirs- proof of paternity
Women’s position not that different to prostitutes- financial deal, ‘world defeat of the female sex’, only way to liberate women is to overthrow capitalism
Previously ‘promiscuous hordes’
Family is an ideological state apparatus- concerned with social control and passing on ruling class ideology (acceptance of hierarchy of power)
Ruling class aims to maintain false class consciousness
Family an escape route from oppression and exploitation at work- value as individuals and private life
Release in the family helps face daily oppression and undermines opposition
Romanticised view of family
Female Marxists say this is a male perspective, as most of the work making the family is a refuge is done by women
Unit of Consumption
Family is a market for consumer goods, ‘keep up with the Joneses’
Media targets children, who use pester power- if lacking latest clothes they are stigamtised
Old-Fashioned View
Institute of Education- People more likely to marry for love than as a social obligation
Most women now work + have independent incomes
Marriage less of a social necessity
Argue family serves men, not capitalism
Marxists ignore benefits of the family to members- intimacy and mutual support
Focus on nuclear family- replaced by other forms, so maybe doesn’t support capitalism to the same extent