Marxist key concepts Flashcards
Capitalists or owner of the means of production in capitalist societies
An economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production in which the minority benefit at the expense of the majority
A set of norms and values, ideas and beliefs ( it is usually negative) which support a ruling groups position
Make something appear fair and reasonable
Means of production
The land, factories, machine, science and tech labour power required to produce goods
False class consciousness
People not aware of their true identity as exploited workers - they feel that capitalism is fair and inevitable
A group of people defined by its relationship to the means of production.
Ruling class ideas which shape the way we think and act. The ruling class ideas are so dominant that it is difficult to see them as anything but normal.
Super structure
Non wealth creating institutions which directly and indirectly support the ruling class e.g the church, education and family
The process where people are cut off
The economic base of society
Workers do not revive a fair share of the profit they have made from their labour