Marxism (conflict structuralism) Flashcards
Private ownership and exploitation
See structure divided in 2 parts
means of production (factories)
relations of production (rship between owners and workers)
Bourgeoisie own = wealthy proletariat = no means so sell labour for wage.
Marx p produce more than needed to pay for wages - this surplus provides profit - don’t receive full value of work = exploited
E: provides explanation for extreme social inequalities + conflicts that surface which are rooted in s.c.i
The ruling class
Marx: o.c = r.c
E.g. -as they own means of production - B can decide where factories located/ control workforce through hiring or firing . Dem gov can’t afford to ignore this power or could face rising unemployment if B decide not to invest money. Believed state through institutions (police) not concerned with protecting everyone but interests of r.c (min wage)
E: Not all laws benefit r.c interests - CRA + police try to protect
Dominant ideology
Marx - d.i those of the o.c and major institutions in superstructure of society reflected those ideas + interests.
E.g. law protected interests of owning class than of workers - religion ‘opium of the people’ - drugging w/c into acceptance of position - mass media owned by r.c so only there ideas are put forward. Brainwashed to accepting position - no rebel = lack of awareness of own interests = f.c.c
E: Too deterministic - individuals as passive members of society - ignores + of religion (life crisis)/ only brainwashed if religious
Revolution and communism
Marx - one day workers would become aware of exploitation. The growing inequality and contrast between wealthy and poverty would lead to w/c developing c.c dividing into 2 groups capitalist and workers. W/c would act against B through strike/ protests - eventually leading to revolution and overthrowing of B. Production put in hands of state run in interest of everyone. New society type - communism (no classes etc).
E: These predictions have not come true - remain in state of f.c.c
Neo marxist - humanistic neo Marxism
Gramsci concept of hegemony placed more emphasis on role of ideology rather economy maintaining r.c power. People’s ideas underpin action in bringing about change not only economic conditions like poverty. People’s mind controlled by d.i rather repressive agencies - why w/c don’t rebel as fail to develop own alternative vison of society
E: under emphasising role of material factors e.g unemployment in preventing action by w/c
Stuctralist neo marxism
Althusser structure of capitalist society consists of 3 levels
1. The economic level - economy + production of material goods
2. The political level - gov + organisations involved in political organisation including r.s.a
3. The ideological level - I.S.A (instutions that spread d/i)
All preserve and justify power of d.c. Each level has relative autonomy and some independence from economic base - while still retaining some link to it. Still retains key influence on peoples ideas - don’t have free will (Unlike Gramsci)
Political ideas and action more important than economic factors in bringing revolutionary changes.
E: Traditional marx - underplays importance of economy in shaping social reality