Functionalism Flashcards
Intro: structural theory - to understand society need to understand the function of each social institution
Society as a social system
believe in organic analogy (1 part fails…)
like the human body any society has functional perquisites that must be met for it to survive.
social institutions like family satisfy these basic needs - all connect to meet func prequ
social phenomena - pain in body
Parsons all societies to resolve 2 sets of problems, instrumental and expressive + satisfy 4 functional perquisites met by 4 related subsystems:
G - goal attainment: selection and definition of societies priorities and goals ss: political system
A - adaption: providing basic material necessities for human existence ss: economy
I - integration: way of limiting conflict/ people having sense of belonging ss: community groups
L - Latency: minimising social tensions/ conflict that could stop efficiency of society ss: family and kinship
E: Recognises importance of social structure in understanding society/ how institutions like family and ed have a link
Establishment and maintenance of social order - value consensus
Durkheim: society would fall into chaos unless common values learnt. Role of social institutions socialising people into VC and CC - binds people together/ regulates behaviour
Parsons: yes - importance of agencies of socialisation on building VC + maintaining social order
E: overemphasises beneficial aspects and ignores harmful ones (dark side of family)
Social change and social evolution
Social change happens when new functions emerge or society needs to adapt - as shifts occur in social values
Parsons: Structural Differentiation - emergence of new specialised social institutions (ed)
E: doesn’t explain social change effectively as socialisation, VC and social control should limit social change - can’t explain periods of rapid change e.g. civil rights movement
Merton dysfunction manifest and latent functions
Critics Parsons - not all social institutions have benefit e.g. new tech
dysfunctions can affect other parts of system e.g. dysfunctional family - ed. attainment
Manifest functions of an institution: intended consequences (police - protect)
Latent Function unintended consequences (bias/ stereotype )
E: Recognises dysfunction e.g. religion - conflict