Marxism Flashcards
what kind of a view does Marxists have on society?
pessimistic, e.g everything is wrong and people hate each other
Who proposed this theory?
Karl Marx
Which promoted more competition, capitalism or communism?
Capitalism for jobs and money that people want etc
What is the Marxist term for ruling class?
Bourgeoisie - They own the means of production and exploit the lower classes.
What is the Marxist term for working class?
Proletariat - They are the subject class and are exploited plus controlled by the bourgeoisie
What is Ideology?
The ideas and manner of thinking as a group, social class or individual.
How does the bourgeoisie use ideology?
they use it to gain acceptance and maintain the ‘false consciousness’ with proletariats.
What is ‘the false consciousness’
Where the proletariats are not aware of their true class position and think the ruling class are being fair to them, they are not aware they are being exploited because of this.
What is one of the roles of the family according to Marxists? (Acts as a prop to the capitalist system)
Where women look after domestic work while men go out to work for the capitalist system.
What is one of the roles of the family according to Marxists? (act as a unit of consumption)
they are a source of profits as they buy lots of consumer goods off the capitalist system.
What is one of the roles of the family according to Marxists? (Allows for inheritance of private property)
Fathers can be sure that they are passing on their wealth to their biological child
What is one of the roles of the family according to Marxists? (Has an idealogical function)
Brainwashes people to not challenge the capitalism structure and accept their role
Capitalism has 6 needs, name at least 4
- Fit workers, maintained physically and emotionally
- Constant supply of new workers.
- New workers who are socialised and disciplined.
- An outlet for frustration
- authority outside of work because of the lack of it at work
- workers need to be motivated to earn
In those needs of capitalism, how can family contribute to these points? (part 1)
- Fit workers, maintained physically and emotionally
- Constant supply of new workers.
- New workers who are socialised and disciplined.
- Warm bath theory, socialisation.
- Pro-creating,reproductive function, stable satisfaction of the sex drive
- Primary socialisation, e.g compliant and not complaining.
In those needs of capitalism, how can family contribute to these points? (part 2)
- An outlet for frustration
- authority outside of work because of the lack of it at work
- workers need to be motivated to earn
- Warm bath theory, stabilisation of adult personalities, socialisation
- Authoritative figure (parents)
- Pocket money for chores, knowing it provides for the family.
What does Poulantzas (1969) believe?
See family as part of the superstructure of society, where he describes it as an ideological state apparatus. ideological state apparatus is controlled by the ruling class and is used to create values and beliefs to support the capitalist system.
David Cooper (1972) supports the view of Poulantzas, what does he add to the theory?
He sees family as an ‘ideological conditioning device’ in which children learn to conform to authority, which allows them to become easily exploited as workers.
What does Engels believe?
families should be monogamous so children can inherit the family and private property, also that the capitalist class owns the production and means of production.
What does Zaretzky believe?
Family offers an apparent ‘haven’ from the harsh world of capitalism, he believes this is an illusion and family cannot actually meet the families needs
Workers are exploited in the capitalist system, but who else is also exploited?
Children - Brought up in a capitalist view so they don’t know other views such as functionalism
Women - don’t get a say in what they do
Most families support capitalism, what would be an example of one that does not?
Welfare families, as money is coming out of the state instead of going into.
What could be 2 criticisms of Marxism?
- always negative, does not give any positive views
- ignores the real benefits that family provides such as intimacy
- It ignores family diversity and assumes that the nuclear family is dominant in society
- underestimates the importance of gender inequalities in family, such as it being a benefit to men rather than society.