Marx on Capitialism Flashcards
- What is capitalism?
- An economic system where businesses produce goods and services to make a profit, based on private ownership of the means of production and hiring workers for wages.
- When did capitalism emerge, according to Marx?
- Around the 16th century in Europe, and it has become the dominant economic system globally.
- What are the two main classes in Marx’s analysis of capitalism?
- The bourgeoisie (capitalist class) who own the means of production, and the proletariat (working class) who must sell their labor.
- How does Marx describe the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?
- Marx sees a fundamental conflict, as the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat to make profits.
- What is the Labor Theory of Value?
- Marx’s idea that the value of a good or service is determined by the amount of labor needed to produce it.
- What is surplus value?
- The difference between the value workers create and the wages they are paid, which capitalists profit from.
- What is alienation from the product of labor?
- Workers don’t control the products they create, which belong to the capitalists.
- What is alienation from the activity of labor?
- Work becomes a means to an end (money) rather than a fulfilling activity, with little worker control.
- What is alienation from the self?
- Workers lose their sense of self-worth and creativity, becoming cogs in the capitalist machine.
- What is alienation from others?
- Capitalism creates divisions between workers and capitalists, and even among workers competing for jobs and resources.
- What is false consciousness?
- Capitalist ideology can create a false sense of reality in the working class, making them unaware of their exploitation.
- What is hegemony?
- The bourgeoisie maintain power through force (police, military) and control over ideas (media, education, religion), creating a dominant ideology.
- What is Marx’s overall critique of capitalism?
- Capitalism exploits workers, alienates them from their humanity, and perpetuates inequality and oppression.
What are the inherent tendencies within capitalism that Marx predicted would lead to its demise?
Concentration of wealth, growing class divide, rise of class consciousness.
This refers to the increasing power of the capitalist class and the growing awareness of the working class about their exploitation.
What is the role of “organic intellectuals” in the Marxist framework?
They emerge from the working class and help raise class consciousness, leading the revolution.
These individuals are crucial for bridging the gap between theory and practice, guiding the working class towards revolutionary action.
What is the key feature of a socialist society as envisioned by Marx?
Collective ownership and management of economic resources, eliminating private ownership and profit-driven production.
This involves the state controlling the means of production and distributing resources based on need, not profit.
What are the characteristics of an advanced communist society?
Stateless, classless, post-scarcity, with resources distributed based on need and increased free time.
This is the ultimate goal of the Marxist revolution, where the state has withered away, and society is organized around fulfilling human needs.
How does Marx view the role of religion in capitalist society?
Religion is a form of false consciousness that provides illusory comfort and justification for the existing social order.
Marx believed that religion served to pacify the working class and prevent them from challenging the capitalist system.