MARTHOMA HISTORY: Lesson 4 - Special Celebrations Flashcards
Hebrews 10:24 Let us consider
Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Marthoma church belongs to…
Lesser Eastern Churches
Active service for God, sabbath, breaking of the bread
Annuciation Period-
Period before Christmas, various announcements (Zachariah, Mary, Mary visits Elizabeth, the birth of John, Joseph)
Nativity/ Baptism Period
Birth of Jesus, circumcision, presentation for our Lord in the temple, baptism of our Lord
visitation of wisemen, gentiles see glory of God
Great Lent
50 days, fasting period
40th Friday
Jesus overcomes his temptations
Great Week
Palm Sunday, Maundy Thu, Good Fri, Easter
Palm Sunday
Christ’s triumphant entry, palm leaves, rides on donkey
Maundy Thu
Passover, last supper, holy qurbana established
Good Fri
Lord died on the cross
He’s risen! Lent ends.
Day of ascension
40th day after EAster, Thu, final appearence before ascending
day of pentecost
holy spirit poured on the Church, begining of Christianity
day of transfiguration
Jesus transfiguraiton before the 3 disciples
25 day fast
25 day of fast before christmas