Marsupials (metatheria) Flashcards
when did metatheria seperate from eutherian
60 MYA
where are they found
Australia and the Neotropics
characterizing trait
a marsupium but not all have one
variation in nipple # within species
females have a bifid reproductive system
females can do embryonic diapause during drought or when there is a lack of resources
short gestation
highly altricial young = long lactation period
what was an inhibiting developmental feature that caused a like of diversification in marsupials?
the need for the ability to grasp at birth inhibited diversity of forelimb structure = less diversification in forelimb = not as good as competition against eutherians = got out competed.
metatherians vs. eutherians
less diverse: eutherians have adopted highly productive food sources that Meta did not.
metatherians are more conservative morphologically
meta have not exploited greater size
meta have not evolved highly social behavior
meta are less diverse than eutherians
lack of comparative success of marsupials
1) The cerebral cortex developed more rapidly and gets larger in eutherians than in marsupials
2) Eutherians have greater behavioral plasticity.
3) more developed anti-predator behavior
4) extended gestation of eutherians produced young that are more endothermic allowing them to better exploit colder climates.
New world marsupials
Didelphimorphia, paucituberculata, microbiotheria
australasian marsupials
dasyuromorphia, notoryctemorphia, perametemorphia, diprotodontia
North -> South America
18 genera, 111 species
Braincase is long and narrow
prominent sagittal crest
can have a marsupium
usually have a prehensile tail
Paucituberculata: shrew opossum
3 genera, 7 species
disjunct distribution, on the andes mountains.
no marsupium
elongated head, small eyes, large olfactory bulbs
smooth brain
microbiotheria: monito del monte/colocolo opossum
found in the southern Andes mountains
part of superorder australidelphia
scansorial (climbing)/ arboreal
originated in Australia and migrated through Antarctica into S.america
carnivores and insectivores
3 families
Notoryctemorphia: marsupial moles
2 species
adaptations: vestigial lensless eyes, ears lack pinnae, enlarged claws for digging.
peramelemorphia: bandicoots
hindfoot modification for cursorial locomotion.
some adapted for burrowing
slender rostrum narrow head
large order, 11 families
must well know marsupials
a wide diversity of anatomy, ecology, and physiology.