Marriage and the family Flashcards
What the Bible says
The Bible states that
marriage should be
monogamous between a
man and woman and for life.
What the Bible says sow
But at the beginning of creation
God made them male and female.
For this reason a man will leave
his father and mother and be
united to his wife, and the two
will become one fl esh. So they
are no longer two, but one fl esh.
Therefore what God has joined
together, let no one separate.
(Mark 10:6–9)
The Christian purpose of marriage
To provide companionship, friendship and support
between husband and wife.
To enjoy a sexual relationship within marriage and
have children and raise a family.
To make a lifelong
commitment to another
person, establishing a
permanent and stable
relationship, thereby
also providing stability
to society through the
teaching of good moral
and social behaviour.
Christian beliefs about marriage
Most Christians believe marriage is a sacrament
– a ceremony in which God is involved. Vows,
such as being faithful, are made between the man
and woman and also to God, showing marriage is
sacred and binding.
Marriage is believed to be a gift from God – it
is part of God’s plan for men and women to live
together as stated in the Bible.
Marriage is seen to provide security and a
stable environment for children to be raised as
Although marriage is important, some Christians
believe that God doesn’t want everyone to be
married. Jesus himself wasn’t married and some
Christians believe they have a vocation from
God (for example, being a monk or nun) where
marriage is not a requirement.
Non-religious attitudes marriage
Humanists do not use religion in
their lives; instead they rely on
their use of reason. They do not
accept marriage as a religious
institution blessed by God, but
they do accept marriage in a
secular sense as a couple making
a commitment to each other.
It is possible to have a humanist
wedding, although this is not
accepted legally and a civil
ceremony would also be required.
Today, not everyone wishes
to get married. Some couples
prefer to cohabit – to live
together without being married.
With many believing marriage is
expensive and unnecessary, they
may choose not to get married.
Christians, however, argue that
marriage provides stability, the
basis for family life and involves
sacred vows made in front of
God, so they do not support
cohabitation as an alternative.
The nature and importance
of sexual relationships in
Christians believe sex is a gift from God
intended for procreation, therefore they
believe that sex should take place only
within marriage. They believe that sex is an
important way for a man and woman to show
commitment to each other. All forms of sexual
activity are forbidden outside of marriage.
Sexual relationships in
the Bible
Casual relationships are wrong –
marriage is intended for sexual
Adultery is forbidden in the Ten
Commandments, which are rules
from God.
Married couples should be
faithful to each other as spoken
in the marriage vows.
St Paul in the Bible condemns
homosexual acts, stating that
they are ‘shameful’.
Being sexually pure is advised,
and many Christians take a vow
of chastity before marriage.
Alternative Christian views
of sexual relationships
Some Christians believe that, in modern
society, some ideas about sexual
relationships are outdated. They believe
that love is important and should be
celebrated in whatever form it occurs.
This may allow them to accept cohabiting
couples who have a sexual relationship as
well as homosexual couples who are in a
permanent and stable relationship.
1 Corinthians 6:1–20 can be interpreted to
mean that the body is sacred and sexual
relationships should not be abused, or that
a sexual relationship is a way of honouring
the body, with sex being a gift from God.
Sexual relationships in
the Bible SOW
Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage
bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all
the sexually immoral. (Hebrews 13:4)
Flee from sexual immorality. (1 Corinthians 6:18–20)
You shall not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14)
Non-religious attitudes - Sexual rs
Humanists believe that consenting adults
should be allowed to share a sexual
relationship provided it does not harm
anyone else. Atheists are unlikely to have a
problem with sex outside of marriage or with
Nuclear family:
Nuclear family:
two parents (man /woman)
and their children living
Blended family:
stepfamilies that have joined
together through remarriage
Family with samesex parents:
Two same-sex parents and
one parent and
Extended family:
parents, children, grandparents, aunts,
uncles and cousins
Purpose of the family
to provide the right place for a married
couple to have children
to provide stability and security for
society, as children can be raised in the
correct social and moral setting
to teach children the difference
between right and wrong
to raise children as Christians and
introduce them to the Christian faith.
Families SOW
Children are a heritage from the Lord, o spring a
reward from him. (Psalm 127:3)
Parents do not embitter your children, or they
will become discouraged. (Colossians 3:21)
Christian teachings about the importance of family and roles
within the family
- Most Christians believe they have a
responsibility to get married and have
children if able, as this is what God intended. - Parents have a responsibility to love,
support and care for their children and
keep them safe. - Christian parents raise their children as
Christians – getting them baptised or
christened and introducing them to the
Christian community, Church and religious
Christian teachings about the importance of family and roles
within the family
- The Bible teaches that children should
honour, obey and respect their parents. - Children are expected to care for their
parents in their old age, just as their
parents once cared for them.
Importance of family today
- Family strengthens society, providing structure
and support. - Family is where people feel safest – with the
people they love.
Church teachings
- The Church is seen as a family that Christians belong to
wherever they are in the world. - The Christian community can provide support to the family
unit when it faces problems.
Divergent Christian
responses to types of
Christians believe that family is
important in ensuring children are
raised correctly. Most Christians
prefer the traditional family unit of
a nuclear family, as they feel this
refl ects the idea of family fi rst
shown in the Bible with Adam and
Eve. Yet today, many Christians are
realistic about the changes to family
in society and would accept the
differing kinds of family that provide
a stable upbringing for children.
How can the parish help families?
supporting couples who are expecting children, e.g. by
organising classes and social events
organising family events and special family worship services
running parental support classes
being involved in rites of passage, e.g. christenings or
marriages within the family
encouraging children to attend Sunday School
and special services, e.g. crib services
providing counselling support.
Local churches will hold family
services, to allow families to
worship together. This could
involve having a shorter service
or involving children within the
In Sunday School, children learn
more about the Christian faith.
Christian teachings
Christians believe it is important to follow
the teachings of Jesus, who showed humans
how to care for each other. They believe
that this includes the family as well as all
Christians worldwide.
Rites of passage
Rites of passage celebrate key
points in a person’s life. They include
occasions such as a birth or marriage.
The Church recognises the importance
of celebrating these events as
a family. Relatives and friends
may attend baptism or marriage
ceremonies, as well as members of
the wider Church community.
Many Christian communities will offer
counselling services such as the Marriage
Care or the Catholic Child Welfare Council.
They will discuss issues and offer solutions.
Ministers or vicars may also counsel couples
if they are experiencing confl ict or struggles.
The importance of support given by the parish today
The parish provides
practical, emotional and
spiritual support.
The parish allows Christians to
socialise with others who share
their faith and beliefs.
The support of the parish demonstrates
the love of God, as family was part of
his intention for humanity.
The parish provides a sense of Christian
community and strengthens the Church
and the people within it.
What the Bible says
Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to
place his hands on them and pray for them. But the
disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children
come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of
heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:13–14)
This means
This passage is taken by Christians to mean
that children are important to God. Some
Christians believe it means that they should
take their children to church in order to
learn about God and Christianity. Others
interpret it as the Church having a duty
or responsibility to provide for families,
including parents and children.
Types of contraception
Natural methods of contraception
include the rhythm method, which
is when a couple has sex when the
woman is not fertile (ovulating).
* Artifi cial methods are humanmade objects designed to prevent
pregnancy. They include the condom
and the birth control pill.
Christian teachings about
Contraception is a challenging issue for
Christians. There are no direct teachings in
the Bible, since it is a more modern issue,
but Christians rely on their Church teachings.
Catholic beliefs about
- Every sexual act should be open to the
possibility of a child, so artifi cial methods
of contraception should not be used. - Contraception prevents one of the main
purposes of sex – having children. - Contraception could encourage promiscuity
or casual sex, which could lead to sexually
transmitted infections (STIs). - Natural forms of contraception are
acceptable as procreation is still possible. - Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae (1968)
affi rms that contraception is not acceptable
Protestant beliefs about
Some Protestants agree with using
contraception because:
* the main purpose of sex is procreation,
but sex is also for pleasure as an
expression of love between a husband
and wife
* contraception is a sensible method of
family planning
* using artifi cial methods of contraception
does not go against God’s teachings.
Atheist attitudes to family
Atheists might argue that each
person’s situation should be taken into
consideration. They believe that people
may use contraception because:
* they want to plan when to have a family
* they are not ready to have children
* a couple’s lifestyle may not be
compatible with having children
* pregnancy could be harmful to the mother
* they want to be safe from STIs
* the couple carry genetic disorders.
Humanist beliefs about
Humanists generally have no issue with the
use of contraception. The British Humanist
Association argues that if contraception
‘results in every child being a wanted child,
and in better, healthier lives for women, it
must be a good thing.’
Marriage for life
Marriage is intended to be for
life – symbolised by the ring given
in the wedding ceremony being an
unbroken circle. Christians believe
that if divorce is needed to end a
marriage, the couple should have
fi rst tried everything possible to
reconcile. If one of the couple dies,
the marriage is effectively ended
and the partner is free to remarry.
Bible teachings about divorce (SOW)
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.
(Mark 10:9)
What Catholic Christians believe
Divorce is not recognised because marriage
is for life.
* Jesus said divorce is wrong.
* Marriage is a sacrament and divorce would
break the promises made with God.
* The marriage bond is not broken even if a
couple receives a legal civil divorce.
* Remarriage is not accepted. If a divorced
person remarries, the ceremony cannot be
held in a Catholic church.
* A legal separation may be acc
What Protestant Christians
Divorce is not to be encouraged, but
may sometimes be necessary.
* Divorce must be acceptable as UK law
allows it.
* People can make mistakes and God is
ready to forgive sins.
* It is up to the individual minister to
decide whether a couple is allowed to
remarry in their church.
Humanist and atheist views
Humanists believe that the breakdown of a
marriage can cause problems within the family,
but they accept that divorce can sometimes be
necessary. They do not associate marriage with
religion, so do not feel any promises to any sort
of God are broken.
* Atheists may hold similar views. They may adopt
an ethical standpoint similar to that of situation
ethics, where they consider the best action
in each individual situation in order to make a
decision. If, for example, the marriage is causing
arguments and disagreements, especially if children
are involved, the best action in this situation may
be for the marriage to end through divorce.
* Christians will respond differently to these views,
depending on their own beliefs.
Roles of men and women in the family
Men and women were
both made in the image
of God. God made
humans to be different
from all other creations.
Some parts of the Bible suggest that God made woman
as a ‘helpmate’ for man. A literal interpretation could be
men are the head of the household with women looking
after the home and children. Another interpretation is
that men and women are intended to work together
alongside each other equally.
Many Christians today may feel
that a traditional understanding
of men as providers and women
as carers is outdated.
Other Christians today
may argue that men
and women are equal
and either can provide
or take care of the
home and children.
alongside each other equally.
Roles of men and women in the family SOW
It is not good for the man to be alone; I will
make a helper suitable for him. (Genesis 2:18)
Humanist and atheist views
Humanists and atheists are likely to
accept more modern interpretations of
the roles of men and women within the
family unit. They believe in the equality of
men and women and support their roles,
as long as they are happy in them.
- Gender prejudice
is when
a person is judged on their
gender to be superior or
Gender discrimination
known as sexism, is when a
person is treated differently
from another person as a
direct result of their gender.
This could be positive (in their
favour) or negative (against
Gender discrimination in the Church
Catholic Christians only accept men to hold the
positions of bishop, priest or deacon and pope. They
believe that these roles represent Jesus, who was
male, and follow the teaching in the Catechism of the
Catholic Church, which states that only a baptised
man can hold these positions
Bible teachings
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor
is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus
(Galatians 3:28)
This means..
This verse states that all humans – male and
female – are equal before God. Yet gender
inequality still exists in the world.
Promoting gender equality
Many Christian organisations promote
gender equality, including Christian
Aid and Tearfund, which believe gender
inequality goes against issues of human
rights. They work in partnership with
communities to try to tackle inequality.
They use Christian teachings such as
those of stewardship and all people
being cared for to support their views.
Atheist and humanist attitudes
Atheists and humanists are likely to share the
view that men and women are equal, albeit for
different reasons. Humanists and atheists may
argue that it is a matter of principle that all
people are seen to be of equal value and worth.
They may argue that everyone, of whatever
gender, should be given the same opportunities.
Christians would respond to these views by
arguing that it goes beyond simply being a
matter of equality that men and women are the
same, but that it is a teaching from God (as in
Galatians 3).