Marriage And Family Life GCSE Flashcards
What is marriage?
A couple legally united for the purpose of living together, and usually, having children.
What is cohabitation?
Living together in a relationship without being married.
Name a same sex marriage fact
In the UK , on 29/3/14, same sex marriages were legalised. This is not included in same sex Christian marriages however.
What is sex before marriage called?
Pre-marital sex.
What is faithfulness?
Staying with your marriage partner and only having sex with them.
What is adultery?
Sex between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner.
What is promiscuity?
Having sex with a number of partners without commitment.
What is divorce?
The legal ending of a marriage.
Nuclear family
Mother father and children living as a unit
Re-constituted family
Where two sets of children (step brothers and sisters) become one family when their divorced parents marry each other.
Extended family.
A family that extends beyond the nuclear family to include relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles or adopted children.
what have caused changing attitudes to marriage and the family?
Travel and world cultures
What evidence suggests that time has changes attitudes to marriage?
Oppression due to laws eg homosexuality
Explain why time has changes opinions on marriage and the family?
It has made us realise that issues are morally wrong.
Our experiences have accumulated over time to make us wiser.
Give evidence to show why history has changed our attitudes about marriage and the family?
Women’s rights
Divorce of Henry VII