Marriage and Family Flashcards
Changing attitudes towards marriage and divorce
- Availability of contraception
- Religion has lost its influence
- Media / celebrities – divorce has increased and is more accepted
- Divorce is easier and cheaper / cohabitation more acceptable
Christian arguments against sex outside marriage
- The wedding vows focus on remaining faithful
- The 7th commandment ‘Do not commit adultery’
- The Bible bans fornication (pre-marital sex)
- The Pope teaches through the catechism that sex should take place only in marriage
Christian arguments for sex outside marriage
- Sex between a committed couple intending to be married is accepted
- Jesus taught love was the most important thing – sex can be a way in which love is shown
- The Church of England have supported cohabitation
- Christians see it as a matter of conscience
Purpose of Christian marriage
- The rings highlight that the marriage should be unending (permanent)
- The vows show promises in front of God to remain faithful (exclusive)
- The vows are made before a priest who represent Jesus in the marriage (sacrament)
- The vows promise that the couple will accept children (life-giving)
Christian arguments against divorce
- It breaks the vows ‘till death us do part’
- Bible disagrees - “what therefore God has joined together, let no man separate”
- The Catechism states marriage is unending – if someone divorces and remarries this is adultery
- Catholic’s allow annulment if the marriage is not a true marriage i.e. not consummated
Marriage seen as a sacrament between the couple and God, should not be broken
Christian arguments in favour of divorce
- Jesus allowed divorce in Matthew’s Gospel for adultery.
- If a marriage has really broken down then the effects of the couple not divorcing would be a greater evil
- Christians are allowed forgiveness and this belief in forgiveness should apply to divorce
- It is better to divorce than live in hatred and quarrel all the time.
Importance of family life to Christians
- The family is clearly shown as being created by God – story of Adam and Eve
- Family is best place to bring up children as Catholics and learn about God
- A couple promise in the wedding ceremony to accept children from God
- Commandment – ‘Respect your father and mother’
How the church help with the upbringing of children
- Running children’s liturgies for children to be part of the Mass
- Funding Catholic schools to provide education
- Running parent and toddler groups
- Offering classes to prepare children for sacraments e.g. communion and confirmation
How the church help with family life
- Marriage preparation classes
- Parish priest can give help and advice to couples eg leaflets “what is life like?”
- Financial support if families suffer bereavement or unemployment
- Provides guidance though charities that support family life eg “celebrating family, blessed, broken, living love”
Changing attitudes towards homosexuality
- The act of sex between two men was decriminalised in 1967
- The definition of marriage was changed in 2013 to accept same sex couples
- Homosexual couples now adopt and bring up own families
- Much more accepted in the media i.e. TV and film
- No longer classified as choice but genetic makeup of a person
Christian arguments against homosexuality
- The Old Testament states that homosexuality is wrong and sinful “it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman”
- God created man and woman to procreate – homosexuals cannot produce children naturally
- Catholics do not directly discriminate homosexuals but sex should only take place in marriage – Catholics do not permit homosexual marriage
- Evangelical Christians believe prayer can save people from the sin of homosexuality
Christian arguments in favour of homosexuality
- Liberal (modern) Christians believe that the Bible needs updated to fit in with current laws and attitudes, no sin committed provided it occurs in a loving, stable relationship, Jesus taught that it is love which matters the most
- Jesus taught the Golden Rule
- Same sex relationships are mentioned in the Bible eg David and Jonathan
- Christianity taught a message of love and acceptance – this applies to homosexuality
Catholic arguments against contraception
- Sex is intended to create children
- Artificial contraception is against God’s plan for creation
- Some contraception such as the morning after pill and coil can be classed as abortion
- Artificial contraception can lead to promiscuity and broken families
- The rhythm method and natural family planning are alternatives
Christian arguments in favour of contraception
- There is nothing in the Bible forbidding artificial contraception
- It should be a matter of conscience
- God created sex for enjoyment
- Condoms can prevent the spread of STI/STD’s
- It can raise the standard of living for families (Protestants)
How the media portrays marriage- My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding
- It showed that the Gypsy community took their Catholic faith very seriously. On many occasions the episode makes reference to their morals and the importance of never having sex before marriage.
- It focused on how important the community felt marriage was. Marriage is an important sacrament and the fact that the wedding took place in Church before a Catholic priest showed how important the community felt it was.
- However, parts of the programme may not be fair to religious belief because of the importance that was put on to the wedding dress and the wedding cake. Many of the girls would spend thousands of pounds on their
dresses and try to outdo other girls who were also getting married. This meant that the importance of the marriage service and vows was lost. - Finally, it may not have been fair to religious beliefs because the couples being married were very young and perhaps were not taking the commitment seriously enough.
A sexual act between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner
Civil partnership
A legal ceremony giving a homosexual couple the same rights as a husband and wife
Living together without being married
Having sex with a number of partners without commitment
Intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring
Staying with your marriage partner and having sex only with them
Sexual attraction to the same sex
Nuclear family
Mother, father an children living as a unit
Pre-marital sex
Sex before marriage
The making of a new life
Marrying again after being divorced from a previous marriage
Re-constituted family
Where two sets of children (stepbrothers and stepsisters) become one family when their divorced parents marry each other