Life after Death Flashcards
Beliefs about life and death affect a Christian’s life because…
- They follow the teachings of the Bible and Church in order to go to heaven
- They will live better lives because they believe they will be judged
- The story of the sheep and goats teaches that God will reward or punish people
- They try to follow the commandments (Decalogue) and the Golden Rule
Christians believe in life after death because…
- Each of the Gospels teaches Christians that Jesus rose from the dead.
- St Paul teaches that people will have and share in the resurrection of Jesus.
- The Catechism clearly states that there is life after death “the Christian who unites his own death to that of Jesus views it as a step towards him and an entrance into everlasting life”
- It gives life meaning and purpose. They live moral lives in order to receive a reward in heaven.
Some non-religious people believe in life after death as…
- Paranormal - Ghosts and spirits of dead relatives offer evidence to people that we can survive death.
- When people visit mediums they can contact the dead
- Near-death experience where they have died for a short period of time and they have an out of body experience which gives proof.
- A person may claim to have been reincarnated and have lived before.
Some non-religious people do not believe in life after death as…
- Brain can’t live without body
- Brought up not to believe
- Space exploration has not found heaven
- Don’t believe in God so no L.A.D
- Paranormal and mediums are usually fake
Abortion- controversial
- Some babies have been born and survived before 24 weeks
- Many people think abortion is killing a child
- Doctors should save lives not end them
- Women should have a choice over what happens to their body
Catholics do not accept abortion because…
- Life begins at conception so abortion is murder
- Abortion breaks the commandment ‘Do not kill’
- Sanctity of life – all life is scared and belongs to God
- The Church (Catechism) states that abortion is wrong, perceive it as an act of moral evil
- Everyone (including a feotus) has a right to life
Some Christians accept abortion because…
- Situation ethics – can be the most loving thing to do if mother is raped (COE)
- If life begins at birth it is not murder
- It is the lesser of two evils – if the baby is severely disabled
- Double effect – if mother has cancer or ectopic pregnancy then you are saving the mother not killing the child, Quakers believe mother’s life is more important
- The law permits abortion and Christians should abide by the law
- It prevents back street abortions therefore saving lives
- Doctors should be saving lives not ending them
- Relatives might push for euthanasia to receive money in wills
- People might not really want to die but feel pressured
- Everyone should have a right what happens to their body
- A cure could be found
- It’s the most loving thing to do – situation ethics
Catholics are against euthanasia because…
- It breaks the commandment ‘Do not kill’
- Sanctity of life – all life is scared and belongs to God
- The Church (Catechism) states that euthanasia is wrong, perceived as an act of moral evil
- Bible bans suicide and euthanasia is a form of this
Some Christians allow euthanasia because…
- The lesser of two evils – if a person is suffering
- Situation ethics – the most loving thing to do
- Double effect – Catholics allow extra painkillers which can shorten life and switch off machines if they are
only thing keeping patient alive - Human rights – everyone should have right to life and death
Why should the media be allowed to criticise matters about life after death?
- Freedom of speech
- Multi-faith society – not one view
- Free press – allowed to criticise
- Entitled to opinion
- Non-offensive
Why shouldn’t the media be allowed to criticise matters about life after death?
- Creates religious hatred.
- Causes serious offence.
- The law states that religious beliefs should be respected.
- Many believe that it is a form of blasphemy
- Directly attacking God and leaders of the Church.
Actions of CAFOD
- Educating pupils in schools about poorer countries
- Sending short term eg food and long term aid eg shelter to poor countries
- Setting up campaigns to raise awareness eg one climate, one world , raises awareness for those affected by natural disasters due to the effects of climate change
- Fundraising – fast days, non-uniform days, cake sales
Why do CAFOD help?
- The Golden Rule – treat others as you would like to be treated
- Judgement day – sheep and the goats – feed the hungry
- The Good Samaritan – help others in need no matter where they are from
- The Church says Catholic’s have a duty to the poor – teaching of Pope Francis
Why are some countries poor?
- Civil wars that destroy lives, homes, land and businesses
- Debt – have to pay interest on top of what they owe
- Natural disasters
- Poor healthcare and education
- Dirty drinking water and lack of food
- The film is not one sided in favour of euthanasia. The character of Frankie finds the decision tough to help Maggie die showing that it is a controversial topic.
- The views of the Catholic Church are offered through the character of Father Horvak. He advises Frankie not to help Maggie die and clearly states that euthanasia is a sin.
- It shows all the alternatives that are available to euthanasia. The character of Maggie is cared for in hospital by the doctors and nurses. They maintain her dignity and relieve her pain.
- Frankie is a committed Christian and tries his best to follow the teachings of the Church.
The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive
Assisted suicide
Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide
The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease
Immortality of the soul
The idea the soul lives on after the death of the body
Near death experience
When someone about to die has an out of body experience
Non voluntary euthanasia
Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask but you have good reason for thinking they would want you to do so
Unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes eg ghosts, mediums
Quality of life
The idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living
The idea that after death, souls are reborn into a new body
The belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised
Voluntary euthanasia
Ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death
Sanctity of life
The belief life is holy and belongs to God
UK abortion law
Must take place before 24 weeks
Must be agreed by 2 doctors
Child will be born with a severe disability
Child puts a risk to the mother’s physical/mental well-being