Marraige And The Family Flashcards
What do christians believe about marriage?
Cristians believe in the sanctity of marriage which means that it is a holy gift from God.
This means it is not to be broken and both partners are to only have sexual relations with each other.
What is an annulment
An annulment is declaring that marriage is null and void as if it had never happened
What is the sanctity of marriage
The idea that marriage is a gift from God and has special significance
What is cohabitation
Living together in a sexual relationship but not legalising the union through marriage.
What is a humanist
A non religious person who looks to reason and empathy in order to live a good and meaningful life
What is promiscuity
Sexual relations with multiple partners on a casual basis
What do anglican and catholics say about homosexuality
The Catholic and anglican church disagree with the idea of homosexuality as it gos against the idea of sexual morality.
What is sexual immorality
Having sex outside of marriage and adultery is considered sexually immoral in a christian relationship
What is adultery
Cheating on your spouse when married. This is considered a major sin in christianity
What are the 5 different family structures
1) nuclear family
2) same sex family
3) extended family
4) single parent family
5) blended family
What is a nuclear family
Two parents who may be married or unmarried with their kids all living together
What is a same sex family
Two same sex parents and their children who may be biologically related to either of the partners
What is an extended family
Parents, children and other relations such as aunts, uncles and cousins all living together
What is a single parent family
One parent living with their children. This could be due to many things like divorce, death of a partner or by the parents choice.
What is a blended family
Parents living together in a relationship with children that one or both of them had in previous relationships
What is procreation
To have sex and produce children
How do parishes support families
1) holding family services on Sundays
2) operating food banks
3) running educational courses
4)inclusion of children running services
What is conception
The moment when the sperm fertilises an egg creating an embryo
What is contraception
Artificial and natural methods of preventing pregnancy
Give a quote on contraception
“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it”
What is situation ethics
Ethical decisions made purely out of context
Give a quote on divorce from the church of England
The church of englands service book says: ‘That which God has joined together let no one divide’
What Is the catholic view on divorce?
The Catholic Church does not believe divorce is possible, because the marriage vowels are an agreement that can never be broken according to gods law
What is the Protestant view on divorce?
Human beings make mistakes and relationships do break down and god forgives mistakes and sins so divorce is permitted under Gods forgiveness and mercy
Give a catholic quote on divorce?
“Between the baptised, a ratified and consummated marriage cannot be dissolved by any human power or for any reason other than death” (catechism of the catholic church 2382)
Give a protestant quote on the divorce?
“Marriage should always be undertaken as a lifelong commitment, but there are circumstances in which a divorced person may be married in church” (church of England statement)