Marketisation and Privatisation Flashcards
What is marketisation?
Introducing market forcesof consumer choice and competition into areas into areas run by the state such as education, creating an ‘education market’
What are examples of marketisation policies?
league tabels, open enrolement formula funding, opting out of LEA control, free schools, academies, business sponsorship.
What is parentocracy?
Supporters claim these polices give parents greater choice and raise standards
How do marketisation policies reproduce inequality through league tables?
Schools with good results can ‘cream-skim’ the best, mainly middle class pupils. Less successful schools end up with less able pupils
How do marketisation policies reproduce inequality through the funding formula?
Because schools are funded on how many pupils they recruit, good schools get more money, can improve staffing/facilities and attract more pupils.
How do marketisation policies reproduce inequality through parental choice?
Gewirtz identifies middle class privileged skilled choosers with the economic and cultural capital to take advantage of the system ;working class disconnected local choosers who lack capital and have to settle for the nearest school and ambitious working class semi skilled choosers frustrated by their inability to get the school they wanted.
How do marketisation policies reproduce inequality through the myth of parentocracy?
It makes it look as if all the parents are equally free to choose a good school
Evaluate New Labour’s polices. How far did New Labour policies reduce inequalities and raise standards?
- Policies are contradictory eg, EMAs helped poorer pupils stay on post 16 but they had to pay university fees
- New labour left the private system untouched
-‘choice’ and ‘diversity’ are just nice ways of saying ‘inequality’ - the education market ensures working class pupils remain disadvantaged - There were more education spending and a focus on a ‘learning society’, evidence that academies have raised standards is mixed, some show positive results, some don’t
Key features of new labour polices 1997-2010
New labour maintained marketisation polices but introduced policies to reduce inequality. These included city academies, Education action zones, Aim higher programmes in disadvantaged areas, education maintance for poorer 16-18 year olds and increased spending on state education
Key feature of conservative policies since 2010
accelerated the move away from a comprehensive system run by local authorities. Polices have been strongly influenced by neoliberal ideas about reducing the role of the state through marketisation and privatisation