Marketing VII Flashcards
Skript 1 Folie 88 - Skript 2 Folie 103
What is broad cost-oriented Pricing?
A company calculated costs of producing to determine profit margins using:
- Fixed costs
- Variable costs
- total costs
A break even analysis is conducted to decide on a cost structure.
When a company starts making profit, what is the next cost-oriented pricing strategy?
To maximize these profits the firm needs to calculate marginal costs and marginal revenue in order to see how they can reduce production costs.
When marginal revenue and cost intersect is where the company maximizes its profit.
What is Yield management?
A special Variant of dynamic price differentiation where:
At different times, different demanders are willing to pay different prices.
ex. airlines with reservation booking
Reservation forecasting plays an important role here.
What is the “Place” (or Distribution channel) for a product ?
A channel of distribution is a group of individuals and organizations that direct the flow of products from producers to customers.
- transport
- storage
- customer service
What different levels of distribution channels do you know of?
0 Level: (direct marketing channel) is where a manufacturer sells directly to final customer.
1 Level: Contains one selling intermediary ex. retailer
2 Level: Contains two intermediaries ex. wholesaler and retailer
3 Level: contains three intermediaries ex. wholesaler, jobber and retailer
When should a product be distributed by direct sale? (0 Level?) Name pros and cons
- product is complex
- high quality service is required
- Producer can control sales process
- Independence from third parties
- High costs for set up and maintain
- No risk sharing
When a product is sold via indirect sales which functions do the intermediaries take on?
- logistics
- acquisition
- support or influence the marketing
Who are the different indirect intermediaries?
- Wholesaler
- sells goods unchanged
- sells to retails no direct distribution - Retailer
- sells mainly to consumers and private households
- key player in direct distribution
What are the Pros and Cons of Indirect sales?
- Access to broad customer base
- increase of sales and market shares
- less expensive than dircet sales
- Partners offer local support to customers
- Loss of control / Independence
- Loyalty issues (competitors)
- Danger of prro execution (misinformation, poor promotion)
What type of retailers do you know of?
- Store retailers
- Nonstore retailers
- Corporate retailing + franchising
What does a typical Store retailer offer?
- Wide range of consumer goods in different product categories and formats:
self-service: cornerstone of all discount operations
self-selection: customer find own goods but can ask for assistance
full-service: salespeople are ready to assist every phase of the process.
What do Nonstore Retailers operate like?
Direct selling:
also MLM and Network marketing with 100s of companies and door-to-door ex. Tupperware.
Automatic vending:
offers a variety of merchandise, often in factories / offices / hotels ex. Coca Cola, Snickers
Buying Services:
storeless retailer for special clientele. Employees of large organizations who are entitled to buy from a list of retails in return for membership.
Telemarketing and Internet Selling:
ex. amazon
How does corporate retailing and franchising operate?
- two or more stores under common ownership are called corporate retail organization
Franchising systems:
- purchase of the right to operate in the name of the franchisor
- provide brand recognition to franchisee
- franchisor is centralized purchasing source