Marketing Mix: Promotion Flashcards
What is Promotion Mix?
Combination of promotional technique that a business uses to sell a product
Promotional Activity aims to_______.
Increase sales
Remind customer of existing product
Attract new Customers
Develop Public image
What are the 7 Promotion Mix?
- ATL Advertising
- Publicity & Public Relations
- Sales Promotion
- Personal Selling
- Direct Marketing
- Sponsorship
- Trade Show/Fairs
What is ATL Advertisements?
Above the Line Promotion is any form of paid promotional method through independent mass media sources
Example of ATL Advertisements
Television, magazine, radio
Purpose of ATL Advertisements
Reach a wider range of audience, not specific.
What is publicity?
Process of promoting a business and its products by getting media coverage without directly paying for it.
What is Public Relations?
It refers to marketing activities that aims to establish/protect a desired image of an organisation.
Positive media coverage without paying for it.
Difference between Advertisements and Public Relations.
Advertisements are paid and aims to promote and expose a product for short term sales. Public Relations are not paid and aims to improve the brand image and establish brand loyalty for the long run.
What is Sales Promotion?
AKA Below-The-Line Promotion
- Not directly paid means for communication.
- Based on short-term incentives to purchase.
Methods of Sales Promotion. (5)
- Price Deals
- Money-Off coupons
- Buy One Get One Free
- Money Refunds
- Customer Loyalty Schemes
What are Price Deals?
Temporary reduction in price (discounts)
What are Customer Loyalty Schemes?
Point Collections, Credit to be Redeem for rewards.
What are Money Off Coupons?
Coupons redeemed when customer buys product. (better & focused way of offering discount)
What are Money Refunds?
A guarantee made by business that product can be returned with the purchase receipt if the product is flawed.
What is Personal Selling?
When sales stage directly persuade customer to buy product.
Examples of Personal Selling. (3)
Sales presentation
Face-to-Face meeting with client
Door-to-Door Sales people.
Benefit of Personal Selling Method.
Can be tailored to the individual needs and/or preferences.
What is Direct Marketing?
Promotional Activity that aims to sell a product straight to a customer (using its database) rather than using intermediary.
Example of Direct Marketing?
Telephone calls, sending emails, adverts to potential clients, distributing direct mail to customer.
What are Trade Shows/Fairs?
Event where companies in a particular industry gather to showcase their products and services.
Benefit of Trade Show/Fairs.
Enable exhibitors to conduct live demonstrations to showcase and promote their product.
What is Sponsorship?
Payment by company to the organisers of an event so that the company name is associated with the event.
Benefit of Sponsorship.
World-wide coverage and status
Limitation of Sponsorship
Only applicable to big corporations.
What is branding?
Strategy of differentiating products from competitors by creating an identifiable image and clear expectation about the product.
What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?
Through the Line (TLL) Promotion that involve both ATL and BTL
It gains online traffic through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
What does Social Media Marketing focus on?
Creating marketing content that attract attention and encourages audience to further share the content.
Person-to-Person but by using online platforms.
Marketing over the Internet can impact_____.
Convenience, Communication, Cost to Customer.