Marketing, Branding, Advertising Flashcards
What is integrated marketing Communication?
IBC rooted in integrated marketing communication: ”a new way of looking at the whole where once were only parts such as advertising, public relations, sales promotion, publicity, employee communication, and so forth.”
Explain the term: Marketing
• “A function that researches and develops strategies to answer the needs, wants and desires of the consuming public & uses these findings to design, package, promote, distribute and sell a product or service”
• 4Ps = product, price, placement, promotions
• Direct marketing (print & phone = can opt out,
Internet = growing)
Explain the term: Branding
• Creating a product that resonates with customers
• Brand = a registered trademark of goods or services
+ product advertising, packaging, customer service, price, performance, social causes, emotional experiences a customer may have with a product
+ trust: brand attitudes, ethical standards represented by the brand
+ messaging of emotional needs
What is Public Relation?
• 4 primary functions:
– To anticipate social change (that may affect the company/organization)
– To monitor institutional policy (making sure that the company/organization does what it says will do)
– To evaluate organizational performance (by monitoring public perception of the company/organization)
– To act as the primary communication agent (by communicating information to the publics, employees, media and other interest groups)I
What are some communication functions with special publics?
- Media relations: press release = uncontrolled tool, can be edited and changed , fact sheets, photo ops, news advisories, Q&A
- (Social media)
- Investor relations: build and maintain relationships with shareholders & the financial community;
- Donor relations: “the comprehensive effort of any nonprofit that seeks philanthropic support to ensure that donors experience high- quality interactions with the organization that foster long-term engagement and investment”
- Employee relations: = employee (US) or internal (elsewhere) communication, employee engagement
- Public affairs: liaison, lobbying, advocacy with governments; “efforts related to public policy and corporate citizenship”
- Public diplomacy: a political and/or communication instrument by state and non-state actors “to understand cultures, attitudes, and behavior; build and manage relationships; and influence opinions and actions to advance their interests and values”
- Community/NGO/Civil Society relations: under public affairs or separate; community forums, town-hall meetings, interviews with community leaders and citizens
Explain the term: Advertising
• Information from an identified entity that pays for the media time, space and sponsorship
• Most common persuasive communication tool
• Controlled by the company (when and where
it runs, controls the message = unchanged)
– Advertorials: controlled editorials used by PR professionals to achieve PR objectives
Explain the term Persuasion and its levels.
• Common to all communication fields
• Aristotle:
– how to use ethical persuasive tactics to ensure that a message is received and interpreted the way it was intended
Raise awareness -> Increase Knowledge -> Ensure acceptance -> Change attitudes -> change behaviour
What does framing mean?
• ”Selecting and highlighting some facets of events or issues, and making connections among them so as to promote a particular interpretation, evaluation and/or solution”
• How a message is shaped
• Also determines how it will be interpreted or
evaluated by others
What is a stakeholder and examples?
• Stake = an interest or concern • Stakeholder = “any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization’s objectives.” • Stakeholders = Primary publics • Secondary publics = those affected but not immediately concerned • Internal - Employees • External - Media - Customer - Investors - Donors - Governments
What is internal communication?
- “the exchange of information and ideas within an organization”
- = integrated internal communications, i.e. all formal and informal communication taking place internally at all levels of an organization
- communication (Sg.) = the social process during a personal interaction vs. communications (Pl.) = to indicate the channels and the technological means by which this process may be facilitated
- Knowledge sharing = “the formal and informal exchanges through ongoing social interaction, which mobilize knowledge that is dispersed around the organization”
What are internal communication channels?
• Depending on purpose
– Formal vs. Informal
– High-tech vs. Face-to-face
• Other examples: intranet, skills training, knowledge sharing activities, etc.
Why does IC matter?
• Help people work harder and better (knowledge sharing)
• Retain good people (HR)
• Help people say the right thing about your
company/organization (IC + EC = good C)
• Support major change (change management)