marketing Flashcards
strategic objectives
-attract consumers so increase revenue/profit
-maintain/increase market share by being seen as best
-target new market to increase sales
-increase global sales to establish product in new market
-meet changing needs by modifying existing products
-prevent decline of sales using extension strategies
constraints on achievement of marketing objectives
-image of product or organisation with some consumers
-lack of finance can affect size of marketing budget
-legal requirements eg tobacco
-level of competition, harder to be successful in a competitive market
product led approach
a product led approach means designing and manufacturing a product then trying to persuade customers to buy
business doesn’t carry out market research so does not know wether there is a demand for the product, they presume there is
eg: first tv, concorde, dyson products
being product led assumes that:
-the product being sold is the best on the market and will be easy to sell
-the product is unique therefore no real competition exists
-no need to research or modify the product to attract consumers attention
market led approach
a market led approach is a feature of competitive markets and puts consumers needs at the centre of all decisions
extensive market research and testing is carried out before production begins to make sure there is sufficient interest and demand for the product
eg: most industries use this technique including car and food industries
market orientation assumes that:
-satisfying consumer needs and wants is a necessary or main purpose
-market research and testing is critical in understanding the consumer
-constant and quick modifications to the product are needed to suit changing consumer tastes
types of consumer buying behaviour
-routine purchases are habitual and requires little thought by the buyer eg milk/bread in the weekly shop
-informed decision making purchases will require some degree of consideration and possible research by the buyer eg clothes for a wedding, a car, a house
-impulse purchases are bought without prior thought eg chocolate/crisps
how market research can be used to improve the effectiveness of an organisation
-can help to identify specifics of the market the business operate in, size or number of existing and potential consumers including spending patterns and average customer profile helps market segmentation & easier targeting/meeting consumer needs
-can help assess the strength and activities of competitors, name, location, market share & USP which gives rivals a competitive advantage and which the business needs to take action against
-spot a gap in the market that has potential to make money, identify a product that isn’t currently available or a new market which the business can enter will increase their product range and profits by increased sales
-assesses how successful the marketing mix is by finding out consumers opinions of the product and potential changes to be made to increase customer satisfaction, finding out potential demand so a good price & quantity can be set, identify how to improve product availability and identify best media to reach the market for adverts
methods of sampling
-quota sampling
>used if average consumer profile is known and involves picking respondents with specific characteristics within target market
>researcher is told precisely how many to interview and their characteristics so they must find and interview a specific number of consumers who match the requirements
✅cheaper as any suitable candidate can be interviewed
❌results may not represent target market as interviewer bias impacts who is picked
-random sampling
>respondents are picked randomly from a list with each person having an equal change of being chose randomly
>if they aren’t available the interviewer must try constant them again and again until a response is obtained
>if response is a ‘no’ a known substitute will be approached to complete the research
✅simple system and free from bias
❌expensive to run and time consume as those selected must be interviewed
desk research
reusing previously published information for another purpose, completed by a researcher without direct contact with respondents
-does not bring a competitive advantage as info available to all, may not be good quality
involves research of secondary info:
-websites give a great deal of info about the external environment the business operates in
-trade journals gives specialist knowledge and research on market
-statistics (eg demographics) which help make informed decisions
-previous internal records are useful to spot trends
field research
carried out by a researcher to obtain first hand information which often involves direct contact with respondents
it will be exclusive and only available to the user - should meet exact needs of organisation
methods of field research
-personal interview, face to face interview between respondent and trained researcher
✅2 way communication, clarification can be given
✅skilled/trained researcher
❌time consuming and unpopular
-telephone survey, researcher phones people at home to ask them questions
✅immediate response can be given
❌straightforward questions needed
❌participants hostile if privacy invaded
-postal survey, researcher posts a questionnaire to selected houses
✅no interviewer bias
✅easy to segment market
❌time needed to design
❌only simple questions
❌low response rate
-group discussion, involves a meeting between selected people led by an experienced chair
✅more detailed data gained
✅idea of opinions and feelings
❌analysis harder
❌dominant members can sway discussion
-observation, researcher watches and records particular occurrences or habits
✅accurate quantitative info
✅large number of consumers surveyed over a short time
❌unable to ask questions
❌cost of setting up and running
-test marketing, monitors consumer reaction by launching new product in one region before market
✅modifications possible before launch
✅greater chance of long term success
❌consumers may have regional bias so don’t reflect target market
❌poor marketing may still result in failed launch
the marketing mix
-product, actual good/service being sold
-price, how much to be paid to buy product, its value
-promotion, actions to attract attention and persuade to buy
-place, how consumers can access product
-people, employees who come into contact with consumers
-process, systems used to deliver the service
-physical evidence, where the service is being delivered from
elements of the marketing mix relating to each other
-a product with high production costs needs a high price to cover costs
-to establish an exclusive product a high price will be charged
-a product with a good image will need less promotion
-lower prices often available when buying from the internet (place)
-product can be improved if people element do a good job
researching and products
-market research, designed to identify who the customer is, what the want from the product, identify gaps in the market, highlight rival products, what competitors are doing and understand current economic conditions
-product research, designed to improve existing products, develop new products and take advantage of emergent technologies
product life cycle
the product life cycle diagram shows the expected sales of a product over time
the stages are: r&d, introduction, growth, maturity, saturation, decline
explain research and development stage of product life cycle
-product not yet on market so no sales = no profits
-losses are made as high R&D costs to pay and no sales revenue to off set
-product prototypes being developed and best version chosen
-what price to charge set/established for launch and long term
-pre launch advertising to inform consumers
-agreement of place with retailers being put in place or own outlets primed
explain introduction stage of product life cycle
-just launched so low sales but aim of building awareness of the product
-still loss-making as high launch and promo costs still being paid and low revenue
-one product model launched, may be technically advanced
-short term pricing tactic eg skimming or penetration depending on market
-heavy promotion and advertising to raise consumer awareness
-limited number of distribution methods used (place)
explain growth stage of product life cycle
-sales rapidly increasing and much greater public profile
-becoming profitable with increased sales and lower costs
-product improved by making minor modifications in response to initial sales and feedback
-long term pricing strategy employed
-new promotions used to target new potential consumers
-growing number of places helps improve consumer access
explain maturity stage of product life cycle
-sales increase is slowing down but still rising as rivals leaving market
-profitable and only periodic marketing costs to be paid
-product range diversified into different version to maintain consumer interest
-move towards more competitive pricing as increasing rivals
-short bursts of sales promotion to remind consumers of product
-all place methods used and considered to increase sales
explain saturation stage of product life cycle
-sales increase level off unless take over of competitor
-profitability spectrum depending on product, from highly profitable to reducing profitability
-technical updates and advances are used to encourage purchase of product
-lower prices to maintain consumer interest
-new promotion designed helps differentiate product from competitors
-more direct methods used for consumer ease