Marketing Flashcards
The art and science of finding prospects. The people who are actively interested in what you’re offering.
Difference between Marketing and Sales
Marketing is about getting noticed. Sales is about closing.
Rule #1 of Marketing
Your potential customer’s available attention is limited. The cardinal sin of marketing is to be boring.
People are always perceptually filtering
Deciding what to pay attention to and not. You have to get around their filters.
- Is a measure of how open people are to your message (marketing).
→It has two primary components: What and When.
Message form
If the form of your message suggests that it was created just for the prospect, it is more likely to get their attention.
And the medium matters. Can’t expect to get noticed if you’re email is arriving in the spam folder.
Point of Market Entry
- Is highly sought after in the marketing world because of its value. If you’re an expecting parent, the first brands you come in contact with are ones that could influence and benchmark your purchase decisions related to baby stuff.
Is the process of determining whether a prospect is worth your time or not / will be a good customer. Customers who require more time, energy, attention, or risk than they’re worth to your bottom line shouldn’t be pursued or attracted in the first place.
Is a measure of how remarkable something is. There is the word of mouth play and self-advertising model. How much does your product or marketing stick out? Being remarkable is the best way to attract attention.
Marketing (2)
Marketing that communicates a desired end result of a purchase to a prospect is most effective when it focuses on a distinctive experience or emotion related to a Core Human Drive.
Marketing activities
- Should produce some visceral feeling of desire. Your job as a marketer isn’t to convince people to want what you’re offering: it’s to convince themselves that what you’re offering will help them get what they really desire.
Is a measure of how easily you can get in touch with people who might want what you’re offering. How addressable are different groups of prospects you’ve categorized?
- Is the act of emphasizing the details that are critically important while de-emphasizing things that aren’t, by either minimizing certain facts or leaving them out entirely.
Permission is key!
Being able to solicit people’s permission to follow up or to market to them is valuable. It’s a key to making the most of a connection and following up.
A hook
Is a single phrase or sentence that describes an offer’s primary benefit. Sometimes it’s a title or catch-phrase. examples used: TFerriss “The 4-Hour Workweek” and Apple’s iPod tagline: “1,000 songs in your pocket”