Market Structures Test Flashcards
Define Barrier to Entry
- obstacles that limit the ability of new companies to enter the market
- allows existing firms to earn profits in the long run
Define Cartel
a pure monopoly and is very rare
Define Deregulation
- Reduction of government oversight and control of business
- Results in lower prices because there is more competition
- May lead to fewer protection for consumers
Define Market Structure
Economic model that allows economists to examine competition among businesses in the same industry
Define Monopolistic Competition
- many sellers with similar goods and services
- aka polyopolies
- most markets are this
Define Monopoly
- One seller
- Restricted and regulated market
- Control of prices
Define Oligopoly
- Few sellers/similar product
- Large firms
- Consumer choices are limited
Define Predatory Pricing
the pricing of goods or services at such a low level that other suppliers cannot compete and are forced to leave the market.
Define Price Fixing
conspiring among or between businesses to set the price of competing products
Define Product Differentiation
the attempt to distinguish a product from similar products
Define Public Disclosure
a policy requiring businesses to reveal product information to buyers
Define Regulation
- Controlling behavior through rules and laws
- Promotes competition by prohibiting unfair business practicing
Define Standardized Product
a product that consumers consider identical in all essential features to other products in the same market
What are the characteristics of imperfect competition?
- occurs in markets with few sellers or products that are not standardized
- Producers are hindered by barriers to entry in market structure
What are the characteristics of perfect competition?
- ideal model of a market economy
- never can be perfect
- Most competitive market structure
- Tons of buyers and sellers
- Standardized products
- freedom to enter and exit
- Independent buyers and sellers
- Well informed buyers and sellers
How are the monopolists able to control prices?
They can raise prices as they please because they have no competition
What are examples of standardized products?
paper towels, eggs, milk, anything that is the same no matter where you get it
Define Natural Monopoly and provide an example
a type of monopoly that operates most efficiently with only one producer; water companies
Define Government Monopoly and provide an example
a market in which the government is the only legally permitted producer or service provider; post office
Define Technological Monopoly and provide an example
special rights given to those who invent a new product to create some type of work; idk examples
Define geographic Monopoly and provide an example
A condition that exists in a local area or region wherein one company is the sole provider of a good or service; general stores in small towns