Market Forces And Market Failure 1 Flashcards
Market failure
Market forces lead to a misallocation of resources
Allocative efficiency
Resources are allocated such that they best meet the demands of society.
Partial market failure
Free market provides a product but with a misallocation of resources
Complete market failure
Free market fails to provide the a product at all
6 forms of market failure
- Public goods
- Externalities
- Merit and demerit good
- Imperfect information
- Monopoly power
- Factor immobility
Public good
A good that would not be provided at all by a free market.
An externality is a spoilover effect of an action that fails on a third party not involved in action
negative externality
The cost of an action that falls on a third party
Merit good
A good which social benefits of consumption exceed the private benefits and would be under consumed in a free market.
2 ways a merit good could be under consumed
- Imperfect information - unaware of benefits of consuming good
- Positive externalities - most merit goods have positive externalities in consumption, but consumers are not considering the positive effects.
De merit good
A good which social benefits of consumption are lower than the private benefits and would be over-consumed in a free market. (alcohole and cigarette)
2 ways de merit goods could be over consumed
- Imperfect information - unaware of the drawbacks of consumption of good. Lead to information failure.
- Negative externalities - contain negative externalities in consumption but people dont consider negative effects