Market failure Flashcards
3 types
- externalities
- public goods
- information gaps
spill over
third party
economy activity
outside market transaction
they are the (negative / positive) spill-over effects on a third party resulting form an economy activity outside a market transaction
private _
incurred by an individual or firm
result of economic activity
internal to market transaction
taken into account by price mechanism
the cost / benefit incurred by an individual or firm as a result of an economic activity which are internal to a market transaction and therefore taken into account by the price mechanism
government failure
when government intervention to correct market failure leads to no change or net reduction in social welfare
government intervention
to correct market failure so markets work more effecienly and less welfare is lost
negative externalities in production
- two supply curves - bottom one is MPC
- demand curve is MPB = MSB
- where MPC meets MPB = qe (free market)
- when qe meets MSC = triangle of area of welfare lost
- y = costs, benefits / x= output
positive externalities in consumption
- two demand curves - bottom one is MPB
- supply curve is MPC = MSC
- where MPB meets MPC= qe (free market)
- when qe meets MSB = triangle of area of welfare lost
- y = costs, benefits / x= output
public good
non excludable non rivalrous
Inadequate info Cost and opportunity cost Administration failure Unintened consequences Self interest Expertise
gov intervention
indirect tax subsidies maximum price minimum price tradable pollution permits state provision of information regulations