Market Failure 1.3 Flashcards
Information failure
Occurs when people have inaccurate, incomplete, uncertain or misunderstood data and so make potentially ‘wrong’ choices.
Symmetric Information (SAME)
For markets to work best, there needs to be symmetric information i.e. consumers and producers have the same level of knowledge
Asymmetric Information (DIFFERENT)
Asymmetric information occurs when somebody knows more than someone else in the market. The imbalance can distort choices.
Examples of Information failure
People using tanning beds- Don’t know the risks of skin cancer
Cowboy builders- People don’t know specifics and so will charge extra, taking advantage
Government policies to correct information failure
Simplify proof of costs
Pass laws to give customers rights
Force publication of data
Establish Regulations
National curriculum- change to provide correct information needed
Limitations to providing information to try correct failure
People may ignore
Expensive to provide e.g advertisements
People may not be willing to change
Information is constantly changing
Public goods
Cause market failure due to the problem of missing markets. They are something that is non rival and non excludable
Private goods
Covers most types of goods. Consumption by one individual means that it’s not available for another to use. They are both rival and excludable
2 Main ways to identify if a good is private or public: Non-excludability
Benefits derived from pure public goods cannot be confined solely to those who have paid for it
2 Main ways to identify if a good is private or public: Non-rival
Can be consumed by multiple people simultaneously without reducing the availability of the good for others
Major causes of market failure and are in every market
Spill over effects from consumption for which no appropriate consumption to effected third party is paid
Negative externalities
Where the action of one group results in a negative side effect/ impact on a third party
Welfare loss
Caused by demerit goods, welfare: how much society is being hurt by overproducing and over- consuming demerit goods
Causes of Market Failure
Information failure
Market price not at Socially Optimum Position (SOP)
Merit Goods
Cause positive externalities