Mark Scheme Q&A Flashcards
Describe the distribution of earthquakes shown in Fig. 3.2.
Ideas such as:
Crescent shape/curve;
Close to faults/plate edges;
(Especially) boundary of/between North American and Pacific Plate;
West/South/SW Alaska/off south coast of Alaska;
A few in centre of Alaska etc.
Suggest how physical (natural) processes cause earthquakes in the area marked X on
Fig. 3.2
Ideas such as:
Convection currents;
Plates are converging/moving towards each other/Pacific Plate moving
towards North American Plate;
Subduction/one plate (Pacific) goes under the other;
The plate which goes under (Pacific plate) is heavier/more dense;
Pressure/tension build up/plates get stuck;
Pressure/tension release;
Jolting/plates slip etc.
Explain how the availability of education can reduce birth rates in a country
Ideas such as:
People learn about/education about more likely to use contraception/family
planning/abortion/prevent pregnancy;
People earn money so can afford contraceptives;
People are more aware about the problems caused by rapid population
Less likely to be influenced by culture/religion/traditional attitudes/less
More women work;
Later marriage/have children later/girls attend school for longer;
Better knowledge about childcare/hygiene/nutrition;
Infant mortality reduces;
Education is expensive/can’t afford to send them to school so people cannot
afford many children;
Cannot send children (of school age) out to work/they cannot take care of
They are earning so don’t need to have children to send out to work;
Explain how improving access to good healthcare can reduce death rates in a country
Ideas such as:
Increased life expectancy/people live longer/infant mortality reduced;
Any valid example e.g., measles/smallpox/typhoid/covid-19 (dev);
Regular health checks;
Mothers given care during pregnancy/childbirth;
Able to diagnose/detect illness/disease (early);
Any valid example e.g., heart disease/cancer/diabetes (dev);*
People can seek advice when ill;
Treatments/cures (for diseases)/tablets/medicines/can have
Any valid example e.g., heart disease/cancer/diabetes (dev);*
Use of X-rays/scanners or another specified example;
Treatment available/able to survive injury/accident;
Education/classes/advice about/awareness of sanitation/hygiene;
Education/classes/advice about/awareness of healthy diet/safe sex/STDs;
Suggest reasons why the shops and services in the CBD of Harare have a large sphere
of influence.
Ideas such as:
They are high/middle order;
Specialist/luxury/expensive/comparison goods;
More variety of shops/services/goods or they use more than one
shop/service or example (when visiting);
Many people will not have similar shops/services near their homes;
People travel long distances to use them;
They are easily accessible/CBD has good transport links or example of;
They will not use them frequently;
Etc.Ideas such as:
They are high/middle order;
Specialist/luxury/expensive/comparison goods;
More variety of shops/services/goods or they use more than one
shop/service or example (when visiting);
Many people will not have similar shops/services near their homes;
People travel long distances to use them;
They are easily accessible/CBD has good transport links or example of;
They will not use them frequently;