Mark Flashcards
Mark Chapter 1
1) John the Baptist prepares the way
2) The baptism and testing of Jesus
3) Jesus announces the good news
4) Jesus calls His first disciples
5) Jesus drives out an impure spirit
6) Jesus heals many
7) Jesus prays in a solitary place
8) Jesus heals a man with leprosy
Mark Chapter 2
1) Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man
2) Jesus calls Levi and eats with sinners
3) Jesus questioned about fasting
4) Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
Mark Chapter 3
1) Jesus heals on the Sabbath
2) Crowds follow Jesus
3) Jesus appoints the twelve
4) Jesus accused by His family and by teachers of the Law
Mark Chapter 4
1) The parable of the sower
2) A lamp on a stand
3) The parable of the growing seed
4) The parable of the mustard seed
5) Jesus calls the storm
Mark Chapter 5
1) Jesus restores a demon-possessed man
2) Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a sick woman
Mark Chapter 6
1) A prophet without honor
2) Jesus sends out the twelve
3) John the Baptist beheaded
4) Jesus feeds the five thousand
5) Jesus walks on water
Mark Chapter 7
1) That which defiles
2) Jesus honors a Syrophoenician woman’s faith
3) Jesus heals a deaf and mute man
Mark Chapter 8
1) Jesus feeds the four thousand
2) The yeast of the pharisees and Herod
3) Jesus heals a blind man at Bethsaida
4) Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah
5) Jesus predicts His death
6) The way of the cross
Mark Chapter 9
1) The transfiguration
2) Jesus heals a boy possessed by an impure spirit
3) Jesus predicts His death a second time
4) Whoever is not against us is for us
5) Causing to stumble
Mark Chapter 10
1) Divorce
2) The little children and Jesus
3) The rich and the kingdom of God
4) Jesus predicts His death a third time
5) The request of James and John
6) Blind Bartimaeus receives his sight
Mark Chapter 11
1) Jesus comes to Jerusalem as King
2) Jesus curses a fig tree and clears the temple courts
3) The authority of Jesus questioned
Mark Chapter 12
1) The parable of the tenants
2) Paying the imperial tax to Caesar
3) Marriage at the resurrection
4) The greatest commandment
5) Whose son is the Messiah?
6) Warning against the teachers of the Law
7) The widow’s offering
Mark Chapter 13
1) The destruction of the Temple and signs of the end times
2) The day and hour unknown
Mark Chapter 14
1) Jesus anointed at Bethany
2) The last supper
3) Jesus predicts Peter’s denial
4) Gethsemane
5) Jesus arrested
6) Jesus before the Sanhedrin
Mark Chapter 15
1) Jesus before Pilate
2) The soldiers mock Jesus
3) The crucifixion of Jesus
4) The death of Jesus
5) The burial of Jesus