Luke Flashcards
Luke Chapter 1
1) Introduction
2) The birth of John the Baptist foretold
3) The birth of Jesus foretold
4) Mary visits Elizabeth
5) Mary’s song
6) The birth of John the Baptist
7) Zechariah’s song
Luke Chapter 2
1) The birth of Jesus
2) Jesus presented in the temple
3) The boy Jesus at the temple
Luke Chapter 3
1) John the Baptist prepares the way
2) The Baptism and genealogy of Jesus
Luke Chapter 4
1) Jesus tested in the wilderness
2) Jesus rejected at Nazareth
3) Jesus drives out an impure spirit
4) Jesus heals many
Luke Chapter 5
1) Jesus calls His first disciples
2) Jesus heals a man with leprosy
3) Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man
4) Jesus calls Levi and eats with sinners
5) Jesus questioned about fasting
Luke Chapter 6
1) Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
2) The twelve apostles
3) Blessings and woes
4) Love for enemies
5) Judging others
6) A tree and it’s fruit
7) The wise and foolish builders
Luke Chapter 7
1) The faith of the centurion
2) Jesus raises a widow’s son
3) Jesus and John the Baptist
4) Jesus anointed by a sinful woman
Luke Chapter 8
1) The parable of the sower
2) A lamp on a stand
3) Jesus’s mother and brothers
4) Jesus calms the storm
5) Jesus restores a demon-possessed man
6) Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a sick woman
Luke Chapter 9
1) Jesus sends out the twelve
2) Jesus feeds the five thousand
3) Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah
4) Jesus predicts His death
5) The transfiguration
6) Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy
7) Jesus predicts His death a second time
8) Samaritan opposition
9) The cost of following Jesus
Luke Chapter 10
1) Jesus sends out the seventy-two
2) The parable of the Good Samaritan
3) At the home of Martha and Mary
Luke Chapter 11
1) Jesus’ teaching on prayer
2) Jesus and Beelzebul
3) The sign of Jonah
4) The lamp of the body
5) Woe on the Pharisees and experts in the Law
Luke Chapter 12
1) Warnings and encouragements
2) The parable of the rich fool
3) Do not worry
4) Watchfulness
5) Not peace but division
6) Interpreting the times
Luke Chapter 13
1) Repent or perish
2) Jesus jeans a crippled woman on the Sabbath
3) The parables of the mustard seed and the yeast
4) The narrow door
5) Jesus’ sorrow for Jerusalem
Luke Chapter 14
1) Jesus at a Pharisee’s house
2) The parable of the great banquet
3) The cost of being a disciple
Luke Chapter 15
1) The parable of the lost sheep
2) The parable of the lost coin
3) The parable of the lost son