Marine Protected Areas Flashcards
What federal bodies utilize Marine Protected Areas ( MPAs) vs National Marine Conservation Area(NMCA)?
- Parks Canada
- *need to differentiate the two.
Why do MPAs lag behind terrestrial areas for conservation targets ?
- perception of land is different bc of greater freq of use
- early practical constraints to establishing spatial regions of the sea vs ownership of land and the history of land vs ocean ownership in Canada
What are the guiding principles for MPA?
- Integrated management
L> socio-economic dev + conservation objectives - Ecosystem based management approach
L> considération of areas surrounding MPA and associated mgmt 9ecosystem approach ) - Adaptive Management Approach
- Precautionary Principles
What is integrated management? (MPAs)
- DFO: a comprehensive way fo planning and managing human activities so that they do not conflict with one another and so all factors are considered for conservation and sustainable use of marine resources and shared sues of ocean spaces
Give a brief overview of the current Canadian context with respect to marine areas.
- Canada has the longest coastline in the world and marine areas = 2/3 of Canada’s land mass (SO it is critical to conserve these areas)
- Oceans represent an area of growth and sig economic potential
- a lot of comp for ocean space for access, resource extraction, displacement of traditional users
- increasing risks with respect to invasive species, habitat degradation, noise
What key landmark happened in 2010 for the protection of marine areas?
- meeting of the conference of the parties of the United Nations convention o biological diversity resulted in an international target to conserve 10 percent of costal and marine areas by 2020
Within a Canadian context, what occurred in 2011 wrt MPAs?
- Canada released the national framework for Canada’s Network of Marine Protected Areas. This framework provided a strategic direction for the design of a national network of MPAs that will e composed of 13 bioregional networks
What are the three goals of Canada’s National Framework for Canada’s Network of MPAs?
- Long term protection of marine biodiversity, ecosystem function and special natural features. ***** he had this in bold **
- Conservation and management of Canada’s living marine resources and their habitats and the socio economic values and ecosystem services they provide.
- Enhance public awareness and appreciation of Canada’s marine environments and rich maritime history and culture
What jurisdictional body is responsible for the National Framework for Canada’s Network of MPAs?
- led by DFO
- initiatives by EC and PC
What responsibilities does Canada’s Oceans Act (1996) provide to the involved Federal Departments?
- responsible for coordinating development and implementation of a national network of marine protected areas.
- conserve and protect: commercial and non commercial fish, marine mammals and their habitat; endangered or threatened marine sp and habitat; marine areas of unique or high biodiversity or biological productivity
What responsibilities are imposed by the Fisheries Act (1985) to DFO?
- responsible for regulating the fisheries in all federal marine protected areas
How does Parks Canada contribute towards MPAs?
- they have mandate to establish National Marine Conservation Areas to protect and conserve representative examples of Canvas natural and cultural marine heritage and provide opportunities for public education and enjoyment
How does Environment Canada contribute towards MPAs?
- they have a mandate to protect habitat for a variety of wildlife including migratory birds and species at risk
- includes MBS + NWA (National Wildlife Areas) + MWA
Give an overview of the federal agencies, relevant legislation and program focus for Marine Protected Areas in Canada.
- DFO : They establish MPAs to protect and conserve commercial and non commercial fishery resources, including marine mammals, and their habitats; endangered or threatened marine species, and their habitats; unique habitats; marine areas of high biodiversity or biological productivity; or any other marine resource or habitat necessary to fulfill the mandate of the Minister. This all complies under the Oceans Act + Fisheries Act
- Parks Canada: Creates National marine Conservation Areas to protect and conserve a representative sampling of Canada’s natural and cultural marine heritage and provide opportunities for public education and enjoyment. This complies under Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act.
- Environment Canada: establishes National Wildlife Areas to protect and conserve habitat for a variety of wildlife including migratory birds and endangered species for the purposes of conservation, research and interpretation. Complies to the Canada Wildlife Act. Includes: Marine wildlife Areas, National Wildlife Areas and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries
What are the key features of the Oceans Act (1996)?
- DFO is responsible
- Based on an ecosystem approach
- integrated management of oceans and marine resources
- national strategy for the management of marine ecosystems
What DFO waters are involved in the MPA process?
- Marine Bioregions (13)
L> each share common overarching goals and principles. There are five priority bioregions (ex: Pacific Northern Shelf, Western Arctic, Newfoundland Labrador Shelves, Scotian Shelf and Gulf of St. Lawrence) - Ecologically and biologically significant areas (100+)
- Marine protected areas (7)
L> protected under Oceans Act - Areas of interest (8)
L> future MPAs
What is an MPA network?
- a collection of individual MPAs and other conservation measure sin diff geographic locations, designed to work together in order to fulfill ecological objectives more effectively and comprehensively the individual sites could do alone.
- This includes DFO, EC and PC all coordinating together to work out strategic plans
What are the 3 objectives of MPA network bioregions?
- protect spatially separate but highly linked habitats and sp and communities that depend on them
- a strategic approach to facilitate proactive systems design and planning , replacing previous case by case assessments
- network design can give industry increased certainty when making investment decisions
What are ecologically and Biologically Significant areas ? (EBSAs). List three of the seven criteria.
- general: these are spatially defined areas that provide important services either to one or more sp or populations in an ecosystem OR to the ecosystem as a whole.
- *managed with higher degree of risk aversion
- special importance for life history stages of species (breeding grounds, spawning areas, artists of migrating species)
- Importance for threatened endangered or declining species and or habitats (critical habitat)
- Areas that are vulnerable, fragile, sensitive or slow to recover (ex: species with low reproductive rate; corals and sponges with structures that provide benthic habitats
How are MPAs established and managed under the Oceans Act (1996)?
- Select an area of interest (AOI)
- conduct overview and assessment of AOI
- Develop draft regulatory intent
- consult with stakeholders and finalize regulatory intent and cost benefit overview
- develop regulations for MPA designation
- Manage marine protected area . Develop and implement a management plan for mangling the MPA ad implementing the MPA regulations
How many IUCN MPA categories are there? Explain the core areas.
- 7 in total that follow a decrease in ecological protection
- Category Ia - Strict nature reserve (managed mainly for science)
- Category Ib - wilderness area (managed for wilderness protection)
- Category II - National park (managed for ecosystem protection
**four more follow after these with lower ecological protection.
Canada has adopted IUCN MPA definition for dev of national network of MPAs . Explain how this feeds into the establishment of MPAs.
- An MPA must contains several IUCN categories w/ several management objectives. To be a legitimate MPA, it MUST contain areas of higher protection (IUCN Category I core areas) to protect habitat for species in the MPA. Some governments have declared MPAs using Category VI alone (managed via resource protected area..for sustainable use of ecosystem) , without including areas with a higher level of protection or change in management regime of the area
What is the IUCN definition of MPA?
- a clearly defined geographical space recognized , dedicated, and amazed trough legal or other effective means to achieve the long term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.
Provide an example of different integration of IUCN protection categories for MPAs within a Canadian context.
- Hecate Strait Glass sponge reef MPA
-This area was proposed to be an MPA under the Oceans Act. - Contains the only living example of large glass sponge reefs that were abundant in the Jurassic period.
- Sponge reefs are known to provide refuge , habitat and nursery grounds for many sp, like the commercially important rock fish sp and other fin fish and shellfish sp. Also provide water filtration
- skeletons are made of silica, so they are v fragile and vulnerable to direct physical contact and indirect effects of sedimentation
- 2010: Minister approved AOI proposal
- 2015: Gov Canada formalized its intent to establish an MPA here
L> pre published the regulations and regulatory impact statement to allow for public comments. Still discussing these to see how to move forward.
**Incorporates all three core IUCN areas