Marine Protected Areas Flashcards
Marine reserves
Permanent protection from all anthropogenic threats
Marine protected areas
Permanent protection from at least on anthropogenic effects
Fishery closure
Close fishey at a particular area and particular tume
Goal of MR & MPA
protect biodiversity & ecosystem
Goal of fishery closure
Protect a particular sps
Recover of an exploited sps
Protect vulnerable life history stages
What are the different conservation perspective
2 perspective
1- main issue is biodiversity
Main solution - MOA
2 perspective
Main issue is - overfishing
Root issue is overcapitalization
Main solution is - better fishery management by providing incentives
What are the 4 goals of MPA
Goal 1 - mantain target sps health
Goal 2 - recover exploited sps
Goal 3 - mainatain high yield
Goal 4 - biodiversity , ecosystem function & structure
Goal 1 😄
Maintain heath by
- age and size
- behaviour
- genetic diversity
- age truncation
- life history evolution by allowing older and larger fishes to survive that can reproduce
Goal 2 - 😄
Recover & rebuild exploited pop
Goal 3 - maintain inc yield 🫤
Sold by saying that once the population recovers its going to spill put
- only occurs if sps have a lower dispersion rate
- mpa is big enough for pop to build and over load
Lead to controversies
Controversies of goal 3
Fishery scientist oppose mpa to maintain catches
Not true bcz fishery scientist understand the role of mpa to buffers fishery impact on biodiversity
Goal 4
Protect vulnerable habitat
Protect ecosystems process
- Protect vulnerable pop to perevebt them from becoming ecologically extinct
-protect non target sps
Protect from management mistakes
Canada status of mpa
Lagging behind
Canadian park & wilderness society - 14sci created scoence based guidlines on how to implement it
Press release shows -
MR > 30% of each habitat, prioritize ecology & group it with functional networks
Min size 10-20km
How can it be enforced
Educate fishers on long term benefit
Why is there low coverage of MPA & lower for MR
Challenges like
Size placement
Size (mobile and non mobile)
Mobile and non mobile
Mobile - seetimg mpa is easy, covering the area around them however mobile is difficult due to their kovement and high dispersal rate -> larger mpa
Larger mpa
Cost effective and efficient -
Lower running , establishment &enforcement cost while
More eff to set few larger mpa
Size placement (high & low fidelity)
High fidelity- easier to prptect
- conc on areas that affect their life stage eg spawning ground
- eliminate dangers from sites
Low fidelity- complex strategies required
- 2 problems
2 problems in low fodelity
Determining moving habitats
Communicating with stakeholders
Solution to the 2 challenges of low fidelity
Technology of challenges 1
Animal born tags- identify habitats and behaviour
Vessel monitoring- 2 way communication
Remotely sensed satellite data- cheap , global convert and updated
Challenge 2 technology
Vessel monitoring sys
2 way communication leads to exchange of information
Examples of size placement
Turtle watch program
Gathered information from all other techs , created a map that helped guided fishers and save loggerhead turtles updated daily
Example 2 of size placement
Stellwagon bank national marine santuary
use of mandatory ship reporting and hydrophones in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary to reduce ship strikes on baleen whales by communicating through vessels and inform about their presence and advising speed reductions, with updates provided daily on a website.
1- observer program
2- radar & acoustic monitoring
3- vessels monitoring sys
Enforcement human dimensions
Clear boundari3s - shifting boundaries are diff to apply for fishers
Support by fishers and community
Equity among stakeholders- unfair, dec compliance-> difficulty
How can we get the support of fishermans
- Short term neg impacts -> lomg term pos impacts
- Ownership & co-management
- Clearly state sci based goals for long term sustainability & fisher support
- phases in mr can reduce cost of fisherman and inc fisherman support
- adaptive mangement
Better Fisheries Management in area surrounding MPA
health and status of surrounding area - as important as the MPA
○ MPA-focus → risk neglecting management of non-MPA areas
○ Continue: gear modifications, better fisheries management (e.g., catch shares), inv sps protection, climate change e.t.c