Marine Organisms 3.1 to 3.7 Flashcards
Revise keywords and descriptions
Name 3 parts of an animal cell
Any 3 from Nucleus, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria
What is the roll of the cell membrane?
To control the movement of substances in and out of the cell.
What part of the cell contains DNA?
The Nucleus
What term do we give to the process of the “release of energy from glucose, using oxygen, by cells”?
Aerobic respiration.
Define Bacteria
A group of single- celled organisms that do not have nuclei.
List the organelles that are only found in plant cells.
Cell wall, Permanent vacuole, chloroplast.
Name the type of reproduction when an organism can produce exact copies of itself.
What is the term used when coral and sea anemones produce offspring on the side of their bodies.
Define Fragmentation in coral and echinoderms (starfish)
Part of the organism breaks away and developes into new, identical, copies of the parent organism.
Define a mammal.
Animals tht have skin covered by fur or hair, have lungs, young develope within the female body.
What is the name of the different classification levels, such as Kingdom or Phylum?
Taxonomic Rank
What Kingdom does the Loggerhead Turtle come under?
What is the Binomial system?
The system given to scientific names of species. For example Carcharodon albimors is the Great White Shark.
Define Archaea
A domain containing single celled organisms similar to bacteria but also share common features with Eukarya.
What process is used by Kelp to produce glucose?
What name do we give to animals that do not have a backbone?
Finish the sentence: Fish are animals that have skin covered with scales and gills; they reproduce using (blank) fertilisation.
… external…
What are Feathers and Reptiles scales made of?
When a skeleton is outside the body it is called an Exoskeleton, what is the name of a skeleton INSIDE the body?
What is the Operculum and what is it’s function?
A protective covering of the gills; found in bony fish.
What is the purpose of the Lateral Line on fish?
It detects vibrations in the water.
Small pits on the head of the fish that detect chemical scents in the waer are called…
Name the 4 movements fish can make using their fins.
Pitch, Roll, Yaw and Thrust.
What fins control Yaw?
Pectoral and Pelvic
What fins control Roll?
Dorsal and Anal.
What part of a fish helps prevent water loss?
What is the name given to the group of animals that have segmented bodies, exoskeletons, jointed limbs, compound eyes and 2 pairs of antennae?
Is a shrimp a crustacean?
Is a Barnacle a crustacean
What group of invertabrates have radial symmetry, tentacles and stinging cells?
Cnidaria (N-eye-dair-ree-a)
Describe what Bilateral Symmetery means.
This means you can draw a line through the middle of them and the 2 halves are reflections of each other.
What material is the Exoskeleton made of?
What type of eye is divided into thousands of individual light receptor units?
Compound eye.
Name the group of organisms that include Jellyfish, Anemones and Coral.
What is Substrate?
A hard surface to which organisms can attach.
What is Zooxanthellae?
A type of algae that lives inside coral polyps.
What are the uses of tentacles?
Feeding and gas exchange.
What group of organisms are invertabrates that have pentaradial symmetry, tube feet and spines that include sea cucumbers, starfish and urchins?
Describe Pentaradial symmetry.
A type of radial symmetry usually found in echinoderms where the shape is arranged along 5 lines of symmetry.
All echinoderms have hard, ……. skin
What group od organisms have bilateral symmetry, a shell and an unsegmented body?
Is a scallop a Mollusc?
Is a Jellyfish a Mollusc?
Is an octopus a mollusc?
What ecosystem do Annelids live in?
Sand or silt on the sea bed AND some swim amoung the plankton AND near Hydrothermal vents.
Do Annelids have an exoskeleton?
What symmetry to Annelids have?
True or false, Lugworms and Fanworms are both Annelids.
Name 3 organisms that are Molluscs.
eg squid, cuttlefish, octopus, oysters, whelks, sea slugs.
Magnification = Image Size ÷ Actual Size. True or False?
30mm = 300cm True or False?
Flalse. 30mm = 3cm
True or False. Kelp and Sea Grass are plants.
False. Sea Grass is a plant but Kelp is a Protoctist.
Name 3 benefits of healthy SeaGrass beds.
Stabilises sea bed to help prevent erosion
brings energy into food chains
releases oxygen for animals to use in respiration
provides shelter and nursery areas for many species
reduces impacts of wave on coast lines.
What am I describing. A swollen plant stem that may be buries under sediment; it provides stability and is used for asexual reproduction.
What helps the Kelp plant grow upwards towards the surface.
Gas Bladders
What are the Kelps ‘leaves’ called?
Kelp does not have tradtional roots, instead it uses a …
True or False. Kelp is a Macroalgae
True or False. Dinoflagellates are a type of Microalgae (do not confuse with Macroalgae) which are single celled protoctists.
Where does a particular type of microalgae caled Zooxanthellae live?
Inside the cells of coral.
Give the name of the microscopic tails attached to some animals and protoctists that are used for movement.
Give the name of the microalgae that have chloroplasts and delicate skeletons made from silica.
Leatherback turtles hatch from eggs that have been buried in the sand of coastal shores. How many days do the eggs need to incubate?
55-60 days
How many years is it until a Leatherback Turtle reaches sexual maturity?
15-25 years.
True or Flase? The Male Leatherback Turtle comes back to the beach with the female to protect her when she is laying her eggs.
False, the male spends the rest of its life at sea.
How often to female Leatherback Turtles mate and reproduce?
Every 2-5 years.
If the temperature of the eggs in the sand falls below 27.7C what sex will the baby turtle be?
(27.7C - 31C will produce a mix of sexes. Over 31C and they will be all female)
True or False. Only 1 in 100 young turtles will survive to maturity.
False. It is 1 in 1000!
Coral polyps release massive amount of sperm and egg cells into the water. At what moon phase does this tend to happen?
Full Moon
The sperm fuse with the egg cells in the water. What type of fertalisation is this?
External fertalistion.
What are coral larvae called?
Complete… “The Planulae live in the surface water, where they feed on plankton and are distrubuted by [……]
When coral larvae change into polyps, this process is known as what?
True or False. Coral polyps can undergo asexual reproduction known as budding.
True. This is how the reefs are formed.
What is the skeleton of coral reefs made from?
True or false. Coral reefs like to form on sandy seabeds.
False, they need a hard substrate such as rock or sunken ship.
Why is it an advantage for coral to have a larval stage?
Coral polyps can not move around so to spread to different areas the lavae can move wiht ocean currents and form a reef elswhere.
What am i describing? “The movement of organisms from one geographical place to another”
Horizontal migration.
Give 3 reason why organisms would migrate?
To find food, breed, avoid predators.
Describe Vertical migration.
The movement of organisms between the sunlight zones and midnight zones of the oceans.
Where do Bluefin Tuna spawn?
Western Pacific Ocean near Japan and China.
How many years is it until a Bluefin Tuna is large enough to spawn?
2 years.
What Sea do young turtles (hatched in Florida) circumnavigate whilst they are maturing?
Sargasso Sea
What coast line in the Pacific do migrating whales swim along in huge numbers?
South American.
What methods can animals use to navigate whilst migrating?
Earths magnetic field, Sun and moon location, Olfaction, Mental maps.
Desribe Olfaction
The detection of chemical scents.
Why would Humpback Whales move to Antartic waters during the summer months?
Melting ice releases macroalgae in huge amounts which is food for Krill. Krill is a major food source for Humpback Whales.