marijuana Flashcards
지난해 7월부터 네덜란드의 레스토랑•카페•술집 같은 공공장소에서는 담배를 피울 수 없게 됐지만 허가 받은 카페에서는 여전히 대마초를 피울 수 있다.
In Holland, smoking in public places like restaurants, cafeteria and bars was banned. However, you could legally smoke joints at certain cafeterias.
뉴질랜드에서는 진통제로 사용하게 해달라는 요구가 거세다.
Calls for a legitimate use of cannabis as a painkiller are rising in New Zealand.
캘리포니아주 등 미국 12개 주에서도 의료 목적으로 사용하는 것은 허용하고 있다.
In fact 12 states in America allow hospitals to use it for medical purposes.
지난해 로스앤젤레스에는 대마초 자동판매기까지 등장했다.
Last year, Los Angeles saw some ‘joint vending machines’ for the first time.
하지만 미국 연방법에서는 대마초의 소유와 사용을 금지하고 있다.
However, the U.S. federal law stil prohibits possession and use of marijuana.
미국 정부가 국경 경비를 강화하자 멕시코 마약조직은 미국 내 국립공원에서 대마를 대량 재배했고, 결국 마약단속국에 적발됐다.
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Agency.
올 들어 국내에서도 아파트나 사무실에서 대마를 몰래 재배하던 사람들이 검거됐다.
Some folks here have also been caught raising the weed in their own apartments and offices.
밝은 태양 아래에서는 잘 자라는 식물이지만 남몰래 실내에서 재배하기란 간단하지 않다.
The plant is generally an easy one to grow if given enough sunshine. Still, growing it indoors without getting caught is a challenge.
빛을 주고 적당한 온도•습도를 맞추기 위해 상당한 장치를 갖춰야 했다.
You would need some ‘equipment’ to make it suitable for the weed to grow; they need the right sun exposure, temperature and moisture to flourish.
전기요금도 적지 않게 들어간 모양이다.
A sizable electricity bill is anouther problem to deal with.
멸종위기 식물을 기르는 것 같은 정성이 들어갔을 터이다.
After all, growing an endangered species would need a lot of care.
일부에서는 대마가 이산화탄소를 많이 흡수하고, 대마씨 기름은 바이오디젤로, 줄기는 친환경 섬유 재료로 쓸 수 있으니 적극 장려해야 한다고 주장한다.
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
THC 성분이 없는 대마 품종을 널리 심어 지구를 구하자는 주장이 받아들여지려면 대마초로 환각 파티를 벌이겠다는 사람이 없어야 하지 않을까.
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
Holland /ˈhɑlənd/
In Holland, smoking in public places like restaurants, cafeterias and bars was banned.
joint /dʒɔɪnt/
However, you could legally smoke joints at certain cafeterias.
call /kɔl/
Calls for a legitimate use of cannabis as a painkiller are rising in New Zealand.
legitimate /ləˈdʒɪtəmət/
Calls for a legitimate use of cannabis as a painkiller are rising in New Zealand.
cannabis /ˈkænəbɪs/
Calls for a legitimate use of cannabis as a painkiller are rising in New Zealand.
marijuana /ˌmerəˈhwɑnə/
However, the U.S. federal law still prohibits possession and use of marijuana.
tighten /ˈtaɪt(ə)n/
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Agency.
border /ˈbɔrdər/
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
trafficker /ˈtræfɪk/
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
go as/so far as to do something
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
weed /wid/
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
flourish /ˈflɜrɪʃ/
You would need some ‘equipment’ to make it suitable for the weed to grow; they need the right sun exposure, temperature and moisture to flourish.
sizable /ˈsaɪzəb(ə)l/
A sizable electricity bill is another problem to deal with.
endangered species /ɪnˌdeɪndʒərd ˈspiʃiz/
After all, growing an endangered species would need a lot of care.
suck /sʌk/
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
biodiesel /ˈbaɪoʊˌdizl; ˈbaɪoʊˌdisl/
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
stalk /stɔk/
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
textile /ˈtekˌstaɪl/
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
assertion /əˈsɜrʃ(ə)n/
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
the human race
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
rid yourself of someone/something
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
junkie /ˈdʒʌŋki/
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
grass /ɡræs/
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
Holland /ˈhɑlənd/
In Holland, smoking in public places like restaurants, cafeterias and bars was banned.
joint /dʒɔɪnt/
However, you could legally smoke joints at certain cafeterias.
call /kɔl/
Calls for a legitimate use of cannabis as a painkiller are rising in New Zealand.
legitimate /ləˈdʒɪtəmət/
Calls for a legitimate use of cannabis as a painkiller are rising in New Zealand.
cannabis /ˈkænəbɪs/
Calls for a legitimate use of cannabis as a painkiller are rising in New Zealand.
marijuana /ˌmerəˈhwɑnə/
However, the U.S. federal law still prohibits possession and use of marijuana.
tighten /ˈtaɪt(ə)n/
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Agency.
border /ˈbɔrdər/
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
trafficker /ˈtræfɪk/
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
go as/so far as to do something
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
weed /wid/
As the American government tightened border security, some drug traffickers went so far as to grow weed in a national park within the U.S. before they got caught by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
flourish /ˈflɜrɪʃ/
You would need some ‘equipment’ to make it suitable for the weed to grow; they need the right sun exposure, temperature and moisture to flourish.
sizable /ˈsaɪzəb(ə)l/
A sizable electricity bill is another problem to deal with.
endangered species /ɪnˌdeɪndʒərd ˈspiʃiz/
After all, growing an endangered species would need a lot of care.
suck /sʌk/
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
biodiesel /ˈbaɪoʊˌdizl; ˈbaɪoʊˌdisl/
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
stalk /stɔk/
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
textile /ˈtekˌstaɪl/
Some argue that cannabis is so versatile that it’s got to be rather encouraged than banned. They say it sucks up CO2, one of the most common greenhouse gasses, its oil will fill up your gas tank as a useful biodiesel and its stalks are a useful source of a green textile.
assertion /əˈsɜrʃ(ə)n/
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
the human race
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
rid yourself of someone/something
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
junkie /ˈdʒʌŋki/
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.
grass /ɡræs/
If such assertions are to be taken seriously, the human race must first rid itself of the few ‘junkies’ willing to get their hands on the grass and throw big parties.