crimes perpetrated by seniors Flashcards
최근 10년 사이 노인범죄가 2배 이상 증가했다는 언론보도가 있었다.
A recent news report tells us that crimes perpetrated by seniors more than doubled over the past decade.
지난 1996년부터 10여년 동안 전체 범죄자수는 0.5% 증가했는데 같은 기간 61세 이상 노인 범죄자 수는 약 2.4배 가까이 늘었다는 것이다.
For 10 years starting 1996. the number of criminals grew by 0.5% while the number of wrongdoers ages 61 and older was up 240%.
전체 범죄자 중 노인의 비중도 지난 1996년 1.8%에서 2006년엔 4.3%로 급증추세를 보였다.
Worse, they’re taking up an ever bigger share of the criminal population. At 1.8% in 1996, the proportion surged to 4.3% 10 years later. And that’s not all.
범죄 유형도 과거 생계형 단순범죄에서 살인, 방화, 성폭행 같은 강력 범죄로 이어지고 있다고 한다.
They’re going from petty thieves trying to keep themselves and their families fed to murders, arsonists and rapists.
노인범죄가 크게 증가한 원인 중에는 고령화가 급속히 진행됨에 따라 불가피한 측면도 있다.
In a way, all this is an unintended and inevitable consequences of the rapidly graying population.
하지만 조기 정년 바람이 불고 있는 요즘 노동자들의 평균 퇴직 연령은 53세인데 평균 수명은 80세에 이르고 있다.
In deed, when people get axed at ever younger ages - 53 on average - their time on this world is getting extended at close to 80.
정년퇴직 등으로 실직한 노인들의 소외감과 절망감 같은 것을 우리 사회는 깊이 이해하지 않으면 안 된다.
Given the early retirees’ sense of deprivation and frustration it’s not simply right to wirte them off and say there’s nothing we can do.
고령화에 따른 부담을 완화시키는 가장 좋은 방법은 노인들에게도 일자리를 만들어 주는 것이다.
The best we can do to lessen the burden of aging on the society is give the aged some work to do.
노인이 사회에서 위치를 찾도록 필요한 일자리를 마련해 자립생활을 할 수 있도록 우리 모두의 관심과 지원이 필요하다.
We’d better be keener on ways to help them find their place in the society and a job so that they could support themselves.
perpetrate /ˈpɜrpəˌtreɪt/
A recent news report tells us that crimes perpetrated by seniors more than doubled over the past decade.
double /ˈdʌb(ə)l/
A recent news report tells us that crimes perpetrated by seniors more than doubled over the past decade.
For 10 years starting 1996, the number of criminals grew by 0.5% while the number of wrongdoers ages 61 and older was up 240%.
share /ʃer/
Worse, they’re taking up an ever bigger share of the criminal population. At 1.8% in 1996, the proportion surged to 4.3% 10 years later.
proportion /prəˈpɔrʃ(ə)n/
Worse, they’re taking up an ever bigger share of the criminal population. At 1.8% in 1996, the proportion surged to 4.3% 10 years later.
surge /sɜrdʒ/
Worse, they’re taking up an ever bigger share of the criminal population. At 1.8% in 1996, the proportion surged to 4.3% 10 years later.
petty /ˈpeti/
And that’s not all. They’re going from petty thieves trying to keep themselves and their families fed to murders, arsonists and rapists.
arsonist /ˈɑrs(ə)nɪst/
And that’s not all. They’re going from petty thieves trying to keep themselves and their families fed to murders, arsonists and rapists.