Marian Dogmas and Holy Rosary Flashcards
It was suggested to the people outside the monastery that they recite a series of 150 “Our Father” prayers in place of the —–
At first, 150 ——– were placed inside small leather pouches to keep count
Then, a thin —- having 50 —– on it was used instead (used 3* for a total of 150 prayers)
rope; knots
eventually, the instrument of choice became the use of —– with small pieces of —-
string; wood
first part of what we know now as the Hail Mary
Angelic Salutation
1000 AD
150 knots became 50; this is to be recited 3* a day
Lord’s Prayer was replaced with the Angel’s Salutation (aka Hail Mary today)
1200 AD
praises for Jesus and Mary were prayed after every Psalm
13th century
150 psalms: veiled mysteries about Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection
interpretation of the praises
150 Psalters honoring —- were also composed
used to signify a collection of prayers which could be compared to a bouquet of roses
15th century
Rosary was divided into 3 Chaplets of 50 Hail Marys each
16th century
the 2nd half of Hail Mary was added and “Glory Be” was used to close each decade of the Rosary
Pope Pius V officially approved the Rosary
established the Feast of the Rosary
Pope Pius V
Why did Pope Pius V establish the Feast of the Rosary?
in Thanksgiving to Our Lady to commemorate the naval victory of Lepanto on Oct 7 1571
threatened to overrun Christian Europe
St. Louis de Montfort composed the most common set of narratives that eventually became used as meditations for each decade of the Rosary
(Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious)
Pope Leo XIII issued an encyclical (Our Lady of the Rosary)
October 16 2002
The Church in the Papacy of John Paul II introduced the Mysteries of Light
Sept 12 1213
St. Dominic turned to Mary (Church of St. Jacques)
May 13 1917
Our Lady of Fatima -> Our Lady of the Rosary
Lúcia Santos, cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto
Oct 13 1930
bishop of Fatima -> authorized devotion-> Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima
prayer to Mary
opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ life
Holy Rosary
Joyful Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries
structure of the Holy Rosary
5 decades (groups) of 10 beads
Joyful Mysteries
Annunciation Visitation Nativity Presentation Finding
Luminous Mysteries
Baptism Wedding Proclamation Transfiguration Institution
Sorrowful Mysteries
Agony Scouring Crowning Carrying Crucifixion
Glorious Mysteries
Resurrection Ascension Descent Assumption Coronation
Hail Mary comes from the Gospel of —-
T or F: Rosary is a form of worshipping Mary
apparitions of Mary
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of La Naval de Manila
800 AD
Monks recite and chant 150 Psalms of the Bible as part of their worship
Mary grew up in
Mary was — years old during the Annunciation
Mary’s mother
Anne or Anna
Mary’s father
Mary’s fiancée
Mary is ——— by God to be the mother of our Savior since the beginning of time
Church’s teaching which has been divinely revealed, that can never change, are immutable and worthy of belief
1st Dogma
Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception
Mary was “full of grace”
redeemed from original sin
remained free from every personal sin
2nd Dogma
Mary’s Perpetual Virginity
Yet, the bible mentions “brothers and sisters” of Jesus Christ?
“Brothers and Sisters of Jesus” simply means his close relatives (cousins)
3rd Dogma
Mary, Mother of God
result of the hypostatic union
person of Jesus Christ
God the Son, uniting himself, in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, to a human nature
hypostatic union
actions that only God can perform
Divine Nature
actions proper to human beings
Human Nature
Mother of God
4th Dogma
Mary’s Assumption
Aug 15
Mary’s Assumption
Mary’s bodily assumption was defined as a dogma by
Pius XII in 1950
Mary assumed
body and soul into heaven
Mary is the Mother of the ——