Infancy Narratives, Jesus' Growing-up Years, Hidden Years, Advent Flashcards
Why study Infancy Narratives after discussing Jesus’ Paschal Mystery?
The Christians were led to look back to the beginning of Jesus’ life to explain the mystery of His person and the full meaning of His earthly ministry
Bethlehem and Calvary are connected. Why?
By being born as man, Jesus began His mission of reconciling us with God.
By dying on the cross, he accomplished this mission
Gospels that show the events that constitute the Infancy Narratives
Matthew and Luke
symbol of Matthew’s Gospel
Human Figure (Genealogy of Jesus)
Jesus portrait according to Matthew
Messiah and King
audience of Matthew’s Gospel
Jewish Christians
Matthew’s Gospel underscores…
Christ Jewish Heritage
symbol of Luke’s Gospel
Ox (Zechariah offering a sacrifice in the Temple)
Jesus’ portrait according to Luke
Savior of the World
audience of Luke’s Gospel
Gentile community
Luke’s Gospel is unique because it shows the significant role of —– (esp. —-) in Jesus’ ministry
women; Mary
Jesus is —— not just of chosen few but of all people, especially those Jewish ——–
savior; outcasts
Matthew’s Gospel has how many Infancy Narrative?
Luke’s Gospel has how many Infancy Narrative?
unique elements to Matthew
Holy Family’s Flight to Egypt to be saved from Herod’s slaughter of the innocents
unique elements to Luke
Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth
Circumcision of Jesus
Presentation of Jesus
What happened after Jesus’ death and Resurrection?
Christian communities started to spread out
These communities started the process of interpreting Jesus and His message
Christians wanted to give witness to Jesus’ Good News
partly different elements in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke
Announcement of Jesus’ Birth
First Visitors of Jesus
Common (Similar) Elements in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke
Born of Mary
Time of Herod I
Presence of Angels
Why do we have the Infancy Narratives?
Because of the desire of the Early Church to communicate who the Risen Lord is
The Genealogy of Jesus is longer in the Gospel of …
Luke (3:23-38)
In Matthew, the Genealogy of Jesus, Jesus is …
the Messiah
In Luke, the Genealogy of Jesus, Jesus is …
the Savior of all people
In Matthew, the Announcement of Jesus’ birth, it was made to …
Joseph, the head of the Holy Family, to defend the legitimacy of Mary’s giving birth in Jewish law
In Matthew, the Announcement of Jesus’ birth, it was made to …
Mary, to stress that Jesus came for all, for the poor and outcasts
In Matthew, the First Visitors of Jesus were …
the Magi from the East
the Magi brought symbolic gifts as they were the first visitors of Jesus, what are these gifts?
In Luke, the First Visitors of Jesus were …
Poor shepherds (unclean and outcast)
a gift of the Magi that recognizes Jesus as King
a gift of the Magi that is an offering to God
a gift of the Magi that symbolizes that Jesus, the King and Son of God, would suffer and die
Holy Family’s flight to Egypt is parallel to what OT’s event?
Moses had been saved from the slaughter of Hebrew babies; Jesus was saved from Herod’s massacre of the infants
Why were Jesus and Moses spared?
So that they can carry out God’s saving plan
The visitation story describes the quality of whose faith?
What qualities of Mary’s faith are evident in The Visitation?
Her setting aside her personal welfare
Her haste
When was Jesus circumcised?
On the 8th day after his birth
This event signifies that Jesus was incorporated into the descendants of Abraham
Jesus’ Circumcision
This event serves as a sign of Jesus’ submission to the law
Jesus’ Circumcision
Jesus means
God Saves
Christ means
the Anointed One/Messiah
This event shows that Jesus is the Firstborn Son who belongs to the Lord
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Jesus was presented to whom?
Simeon and Anna
recognized as: the Messiah Light to the Nations Glory of Israel BUT also: A sign that is spoken against
The Eternal Son of God becoming human in Jesus
Jesus was born before – BC?
It was customary in the early times to —— the names of —– to establish the time and identity of someone’s birth
attach; kings
Signifies the sacredness of the place for it indicates the visible presence of God’s power
the presence of angels
represent the years of preparation or formation for public ministry
hidden years of Jesus
In Lk 2:41-52, he breaks the silence about the hidden life of Jesus
Jesus was brought up as a practicing —
message of the hidden years
family life
school where we begin to understand the life of Jesus
the Home of Nazareth
official public worship of the Church
the interior reverence and homage offered to God through words and actions
observance of Sunday and solemnities begins with the evening of the preceding day (the “—–”)
first day of the Liturgical week
Sunday or Lord’s Day
The Church celebrates what on the Lord’s day?
Paschal Mystery
Sunday must be ranked as the …
first holy day of all
the Church remembers the lives of the saints and Mary by this means
liturgical year
celebrates the whole mystery of the life of Christ (Incarnation -> Pentecost -> ‘coming again’)
liturgical year
several types of celebrations
events in the life of Christ
days dedicated to a particular saint
feasts of Mary
When: Presentation of the Lord?
Feb 2
When: Our Lady of the Rosary?
Oct 7
When: The Annunciation?
Mar 25
When: Our Mother of Sorrows?
Sept 15
When: Our Lady of Guadalupe?
Dec 12
Holy Days of Obligation
Jan 1
Dec 8
Dec 25
liturgical colors
violet white (or gold) red green optional: rose
(advent and lent) expectation, purification, penance
(in the midst of advent and lent) joy, rejoicing, praise
3rd Sunday in Advent
Gaudete Sunday
4th Sunday in Lent
Laetare Sunday
(triduum, easter, christmas) joy, triumph
white (or gold)
(pentecost, palm sunday, good friday, triumph of the cross) royalty, fire, martyrdom
(ordinary time) sign of life and growth
twofold character of advent
prepare: Christ’s First Coming (Nativity)
await: Christ’s Second Coming (Parousia)
a period for devout and joyful expectation
Come Lord Jesus!
ends before Christmas vigil
falls on a Sunday closest to November 30
how do we prepare for advent?
through prayer and repentance
marks the start of a new year on the liturgical calendar
first two Sundays of Advent celebrate…
last two Sundays of Advent celebrate…
the Nativity of Jesus
Advent begins on…
29 November 2015
next to Easter
Christmas runs from… through the… to the …
Christmas Eve
Feast of the Epiphany
Sunday of the Lord’s Baptism
has two periods:
end of Christmas season -> ending on the day before Ash Wed
beginning on the Monday after Pentecost -> Saturday before Advent Sunday
ordinary time
has 33-34 Sundays
ordinary time
40-day prep for Easter
begins on Ash Wed to morning of Maundy Thurs
begins Maundy Thurs night (Mass of the Last Supper) -> Good Fri -> Black Saturday night (Easter vigil)
easter triduum
begins with Easter Sunday -> feast of Pentecost