march ppe Flashcards
Define debug
The process by which a programmer finds and corrects errors in code.
What is syntax?
The rules that govern how the pieces of a programming language can be put together to make meaningful instructions, similar to grammar and punctuation in English.
What is the IDE?
A package that helps programmers to develop program code.
Define a ‘reserved word’
Any keyword in the programming language that programmers are unallowed to change.
What is a literal?
Values in code such as numbers of characteristics inside quotes. They can’t be changed during execution.
What is a high level language?
A programming language that resembles human language and enables a programmer to write code that is independent of a particular CPU’s architecture.
What is a low level language?
A programming language that is closer to machine code than human language and requires detailed knowledge of a particular CPU’s architecture.
What is a type error?
When an operation is attempted that is invalid for that type of data.
What is a runtime error?
An error that occurs when the program is running.
What is a name error?
When a name is used that isn’t known about (often a misspelt variable name)
What is a zero division error?
Dividing a number by zero.
Define a ‘KeyboardInterrupt’
When a program is interrupted from the keyboard by pressing control + c.
Who created Boolean?
George Boole.
What is a breakpoint?
A mechanism to mark a line of code, where execution is paused.
Define the single step process.
Executing one line of code at a time using a debugger.
What is a syntax error?
When part of the code breaks the rules of the programming language.
What is a runtime error?
An error that occurs while the program is running. The operation the computer is asked to do is impossible to execute. Often causes crashes.
What is a logic error?
An error in an algorithm that results in incorrect, unwanted or unexpected behaviour.
What are the rules of a variable?
A variable must not:
- begin with a number
- include a space
- be named the same as a reserved term
Give the 6 relational operators and their names.
- Equal to ==
- Not equal to !=
- Greater than >
- Greater than or equal to >=
- Less than <
- Less than or equal to <=
What are the 4 programming constructs and their associated loops.
Selection -> IF statement
Repetition -> WHILE loop
Iteration -> FOR loop
Sequence: Linear code, ordered
What is the range function?
Function used to count. If there’s 1 number in the bracket, the counter will start at 0 and count up in 1s until it hits the parameter (number in bracket).
If there are 2 numbers, they are the start and end numbers.
Elif there are 3 numbers, they are the start, end and step (how many the program will count by) numbers.
What is version control?
A way to keep track of changes to code so that programmers can go back and retrieve previous working programs.
Define ‘backup’
The process of creating backup copies of data and storing them in a separate location, usually the cloud.