Map Skills Flashcards
List three things about a direction arrow.
- Used on a map to show direction.
- The arrow always points north
- Most maps are drawn so that north is at the top of the map.
What are the 4 main cardinal directions?
North, East, South, West
What does a compass rose show?
The 4 cardinal directions
The 4 intermediate directions ( northwest, northeast, southeast, southwest )
Draw a compass rose.
^ | \ | / \ | / --------------- / | \ / | \ |
Don’t for get to label!
What is a political map?
Political maps show how people have divided land into different countries, provinces, states, continents, ect.
What are physical maps?
Physical maps are concerned with natural divisions
- eg. Lakes, oceans, rivers, mountain ranges, or land conditions (like deserts)
- colour can be very important on a physical map because it shows us elevation
Define elevation.
Elevation is the height above sea level.
- physical maps can also show depth below sea level
- elevation is usually measured in meters
Define highlands.
Highlands are areas that stand out higher then the surrounding area.
- hills
- mountains
- plateaus
What does shading on physical map show?
It shows relief.
Land can have high elevation but low relief.
What is the most accurate way to represent the earth?
A globe.
Advantages and disadvantages of a globe.
- Size
- Shape
- Distance
- Direction
- Details can be loosed
- You cannot see the whole globe at once; half of it is always hidden from view
- Globes are impractical to carry around
What is a map?
A flat drawing of the earth or parts of the earth
Define Mercator Projections
- Sizes are distorted
• Shapes are correct
Define the Goode Homolosine Projection
- Shapes are distorted
• Sizes are correct