Map Reading and Land Navigation Flashcards
What doctrine is Map Reading and Land Navigation?
TC 3-25.26
Name two ways to hold a compass
a. Compass-to-cheek method
b. Center hold method
Are topographic symbols drawn to scale?
On a lensatic compass there are two rings, an outer black ring and an inner red ring, what are they used for?
The inner red ring is used to find degrees, and the outer black ring is used to find mils.
What is a map?
A graphic representation of the Earth’s surface drawn to scale as seen above
What is the purpose of a map?
To provide accurate information about the existence, location and distance between ground features like terrain, elevation, populated areas, routes of travel and communication
What are the five basic colors of a map and what do they stand for?
a. Blue: water
b. Green: Vegetation
c. Red: Populated Area
d. Brown: Contour lines
e. Black: man-made features
f. Red-Brown: The colors red and brown are combined to identify cultural features, all relief features, non-surveyed spot elevations, and elevation, such as contour lines on red-light readable maps.
Where is the legend on a map?
The lower left margin
What is the basic rule for reading grid coordinates on a military map?
Right first and then Up
How close does an 8-digit, a 6-digit, and a 4-digit grid coordinate locate a point?
a. 8: ten meters
b. 6: 1 hundered meters
c. 4: 1 thousand meter
What are contour lines?
Imaginary lines on the ground that connects points of equal elevation
What are the three types of contour lines?
a. Index
b. Immediate
c. Supplementary
What is the scale of a map?
The ration of ground distance to map distance and expressed as a fraction
What is longitude?
Imaginary lines that run North and South measure in degrees
How many scales are there on a compass?
Name five types of terrain found on a map
a. Hill
b. Valley
c. Ridge
d. Saddle
e. Depression
Name the three minor terrain features found on a map
a. Spur
b. Draw
c. Cliff
What is latitude?
The distance North or South from the Equator
What are some of the different types of maps?
a. Topographical
b. Plainimetric
c. Photo Map
d. Terrain Model
What are military symbols?
Figures used to represent types of Military organizations, installations, and activates.
How many mils are in one degree?
How many norths are there on a military map?
True North
Magnetic North
Grid North
What are the 2 supplementary terrain features found on a military map?
What is an Azimuth?
A horizontal angle, measured in a clockwise manner from a north base line, expressing direction
What is vertical distance?
The distance between the highest and lowest points measured
What is the distance between grid lines on a combat map?
1 kilometer or 1000 meters
Which north is used when using a military map?
Magnetic north when using a compass and grid north when using a map
How would you hold a lensatic compass?
Away from metals, level, and firm
What is a back azimuth and how do you figure it out?
Back azimuth is the opposite direction of an azimuth. It is figured out by adding 180 degrees if the azimuth is less than 180. If the azimuth is more than 180 you subtract 180.
Name two ways to orient a map?
Use a compass and terrain association
The arrow on a compass always points in what direction?
Magnetic North