Army Command Policy Flashcards
What ATP does Command Policy fall under?
ATP 600-20
What is Command?
Command is exercised by virtue of office and teh special assignment of members of the U.S. Armed Forces
What is a Commander?
A commissioned or Warrant Officer who, by virtue of grade and assignment, exercise primary command authority over a military organization
Can a civilian exercise command?
No; only the president can exercise command
What is the extent that a civilian can exercise supervision?
A civilian may be designated to exercise general supervision over an Army installation or activity
What are the key elements of command?
Authority and Responsibility
Where is formal authority for command derived?
From the policies, procedures, and precedents
Who is responsible for establishing leadership climate of the unit and developing disciplined and cohesive units?
The commander
How do leaders earn the loyalty of their soldiers?
Leaders must show loyalty to their soldiers, the army, and the nation
How do leaders develop a positive command climate?
If leaders consider the soldiers needs and care for their well-being, and if they demonstrate genuine concern for their soldiers, they will build a positive command climate
What is demonstarted integrity the basis of?
Demonstatred integrity if the basis for dependable, consistent information, decision mkaing, and delegation of authority
How will professionally competent leaders receive respect for their authority?
a. Striving to develop, maintain, and use the full range of human potential in their organization
b. Giving troops constuctive information on the neef for and purpose of military discipline
c. Properly training their soldiers and ensuring that both soldiers and equipment are in the proper state of readiness at all times
d. Requirement of exemplary conduct
What are all commanding officers and others in authority in the army required to display?
a. A good example of virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination
b. To be vigilant in inspecting the conduct of all persons who are placed under their command
c. To guard against and suppress all dissolute and immoral practices, and to correct, according to the laws and regulations of the army, all persons who are guilty of them
d. To promote and safeguard the morale, the physical well-being, and the general welfare of the officer and enlisted persons under their command or charge
How is the military rank among officers of the same grade or of equivalent grade determined?
By comparing date of rank
What is the title to address Brigadier General through General?
All Generals will be addressed as General
What is the chain of command?
Commanders at all levels to achieve their primary function of accomplishing the unit’s assigned mission.
Can a leader assign responsibility and authority to their subordinate?
Yes, but overall responsibility is still the leaders
What is crucial to the proper functioning of all units?
Effective communication
What must soldiers do when they need to communicate issues and problems?
They must use their chain of command
What does an open door policy allow?
It allows members of the command to present facts, concerns, and problems of a personal or professional nature or other issues that the soldier has been unable to resolve
Which army regulation contains conseling requirements in conjunction with the evalutation reporting systems?
AR 623-3 and AR 690-400
Can an NCO, SPC, or PVT assume command of a unit?
Yes, but only in emergency situation
How does the NCO support channel support the chain of command?
It parallels and complements the chain of command
What is the NCO support channel?
It is a channel of communication and supervision from the command sergeant major to first seargent and then to other NCOs and enlisted personnel of the units.
What duties will the NCO support channel assist the chain of command in accomplishing?
a. Transmitting, instilling, and ensuring the efficacy of the professional army ethic
b. planning and conducting the day-to-day unit operations
c. Training of enlisted soldiers in their MOS as well as in the basic skills
d. Supervising unit physical fitness training and ensuring soldiers comply with the weight and appearance standards
e. Teaching soldiers the history of the army, to include military customs, courtesies and traditions
f. Caring for individual soldiers and their families both on and off duty
g. Teaching soldiers the mission of the unit and developing individual training programs to support the mission
h. Accounting for and maintaining individual arms and equipment of enlisted and unit equipment under their control
i. Administering and monitoring the NCO development program, and other unit training programs
j. Achieving and maintain courage, candor, competence, commitment, and compassion
What is a key tool that NCOs have that is essential to furthering the efficiency of the company, batter, or troop?
Corrective actions
What is the focus of well-being?
To take care of our army family before, during, and after deployments
What are the four individual aspirations of well-being?
a. To serve
b. To live
c. To connect
d. To grow
What is military discipline founded upon?
Respect for properly constituted authority
The embracing of the professional army ethic
How should military authority be exercised?
Promptly, firmly, courteously, and fairly
What are essential ingredients of military justice?
Discretion, fairness, and sound judgement
When are relationships between ranks prohibited?
a. compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity of supervisory authority or the chain of command
b. cause actual or perceived partiality or unfairness
c. involve, or appear to involve, the improper use of rank or position for personal gain
d. Are, or appear to be, coercive or exploitative in nature
e. creates an actual or clearly predictable adverse impact on discipline, authority, morale, or the ability of the command to accomplish its mission