Māori at Home Flashcards
Kua kai au
I have eaten
Kua mutu au
I have finished
Kua hinga au
I have been defeated
Kua ngaro tō pōro
Your ball has gone missing
Kua pau te miraka
The milk has run out
E tū!
Stand up!
E noho!
Sit down!
E moe!
E oho!
Wake up!
E oma!
E karo!
E inu!
Drink up!
E kai!
Eat up!
Titiro mai!
Look here!
Titiro atu!
Look over there!
Titiro ki te karoro!
Look at the seagull!
Haere mai!
Come here!
Haere atu!
Go away!
Get up!
Be quiet! It’s noisy!
Lie down!
Lie down on your back!
Lie face down!
Wait on!
Pātai ki a ia!
Ask him/her
Whakarongo ki tēnei waiata!
Listen to this song!
Kia kaha!
Be strong
Kia toa!
Be determined!
Kia manawanui!
Be steadfast!
Kia tūpato
Be careful!
Kia hakune!
Be deliberate!
Kia mataara!
Be alert!
Kia tere!
Be quick!
Kia tau!
Be settled, settle down!
Me oho!
You should wake up!
Me oma!
You should run!
Me inu!
You should drink!
Me titiro mai!
You should look here!
Me titiro ki te karoro!
You should look at the seagull!
Me haere mai
You should come here
Me maranga
You should get up
Me whakarongo
You should listen
Me toa
You should be determined
Me manawanui
You should be steadfast
Me tūpato
You should be careful
Unuhia ō hū!
Take off your shoes!
Katia te kūaha!
Close the door!
Huakina te matapihi!
Open the window!
Kainga ō tōhi!
Eat your toast!
Whakapaitia tō moenga
Make your bed!
Kaua e titiro mai!
Don’t look here!
Kaua e titiro atu!
Don’t look over there!
Kaua e haere mai!
Don’t come here!
Kaua e haere atu!
Don’t go away
Kaua e haere!
Don’t go!
Kaua e maranga!
Don’t get up!
Kaua e tū!
Don’t stand up!
Kaua e noho!
Don’t sit down!
Kaua e moe!
Don’t sleep!
Kaua e oho!
Don’t wake up!
Kaua e oma!
Don’t run!
Kaua e karo!
Don’t dodge!
Kaua e inu!
Don’t drink
Kaua e kai!
Don’t eat!
Kaua e unuhia ō hū
Don’t take off your shoes
Kaua e katia te kūaha
Don’t close the door
Kaua e huakina te matapihi
Don’t open the window
Kaua e kainga ō tōhi
Don’t eat your toast
Kāti tō pēnā
Stop being like that
Kāti te kai
Stop eating
Kāti te mātakitaki pouaka whakaata
Stop watching TV
Kāti te whirinaki ki ngā hangarau
Stop continuously playing your electronic device
Mā wai ngā kākahu e horoi?
Who will was the clothes?
Mā wai te waka e hautū?
Who will drive the car?
Mā wai tēnei mahi e mahi?
Who will do this job?
Mā wai au e āwhina?
Who will help me?
Māku ngā kākahu e horoi
I will wash the clothes
Māku te waka e hautū
I will drive the car
Mā tāua tēnei mahi e mahi
We (you and I) will do this work
Māku koe e āwhina
I will help you
Nā wai ngā kākahu i horoi?
Who washed the clothes?
Nā wai te waka i hautū?
Who drove teh car?
Nā wai tēnei mahi i mahi?
Who did this (job)?
Nā wai au i āwhina?
Who helped me?
Nāku ngā kākahu i horoi
I washed the clothes
Nāku te waka hautū
I drove the car
Nā tāua tēnei mahi i mahi
We (you and I) did the job
Nāku koe i āwhina
I helped you
Kei hea te rau mamao?
Where is the remote?
Kei hea ngā kai?
Where is the food?
Kei hea koe?
Where are you?
Kei hea tō pēke kura?
Where is your school bag?
I hea ō pukapuka?
Where were your books?
I hea koe?
Where were you?
I hea te rorohiko?
Where was the computer?
He wahine rerehua ia
She is a beautiful woman
He whare teitei tērā
That house (over there) is very tall
He waka pango
A black car
He kōtiro tū pore tāna tamāhine
Her daughter is a very caring girl
He tāne pukukino ia
He is a grumpy man
He rākau māmore tēnei
This is a leafless tree
He huarahi kōpikopiko tēnei
This is a windy road
He tangata harikoa kōrua
You two are very happy-go-lucky
He kapa koretake mātou
We are a useless team
He rangi wera tēnei
This is a hot day
He waewae tere ōna
She has got fast legs
He kuia mātau ia
She is a very knowledgeable old lady
He kaitākaro wheke kurī ia
He is a hot-headed player
He kaihautū pai ia
She/He is a good driver
He pai ia ki te tākaro whutupōro
He is a good rugby player
He rangi wera tēnei
This is a hot day
He waewae tere ōna
She has got fast legs
He kuia mātau ia
She is a very knowledgeable old lady
He pai ia ki te tākaro whutupōro
He is a good rugby player
He toa ia ki te tuna kai
He is a magnificent cook
He toa ia ki te tuna kai
He is a magnificent cook
He tau koe ki te kanikani
You are an awesome dancer
He tohunga ki te mahi toi
An expert artist
He pōturi a Para ki te oma
Para is a slow runner
He ninipa tō kapa ki te hopu pōro
Your team has no ball-catching skills
He tere ia ki te oma
He is a fast runner
He rawe au ki te waruwaru kūmara
I am great at peeling kūmara
Ko wai?
Kei hea?
He pēhea te…?
How is the…?
I pēhea te….?
How was the…?
E hia?
How many (are there)?
Kia hia?
How many (do you want)?
E hia te utu?
How much does it cost?
E hia te roa?
How long?
E hia te tawhiti?
How far?
He aha?
He aha tēnei?
What is this?
He aha ēnei?
What are these?
He aha tēnā?
What is that (by you)?
He aha ēnā?
What are those (by you)?
He aha tērā?
What is that (over there)?
He aha tō hiahia?
What do you want?
He aha te kupu Māori mō…?
What is the Māori word for…?
He aha te whakamārama mō tēnā kupu?
What is the meaning of that word?
Me aha au?
What must I do?
He… kei koe I?
Is there a… around here?
He aha ai?
He aha i pēhea ai?
Why is it like this?
He aha i pēnā ai?
Why is it like that?
Kua kite koe i…?
Have you seen…?
Me pēhea taku kimi i…?
How do I find…?
Homai koa he…?
May I have?
E hiahia ana au ki…
I want/would like…
Kāore au e hiahia ana ki…
I don’t want…
He aha te mate?
What’s the matter?
Āwhina mai koa?
Can you help me please?
Kei te pīrangi āwhina au
I need some help please
Kei te pīrangi āwhina koe?
Do you need some help?
Kāore i a au
I don’t have it
Kei a…
… has it
Kei te rata au ki tēnā
I like that
Kei te pai tēnā
Ok/That’s fine
Kei te ngaro au
I am lost
Kei te kimi māua/mātou i…
We (us two/3 or more - not you) are looking for…
Here (it is)
Arā ia
There he/she is
Arā rāua
There they (both) are
Arā rātou
There they (3 or more) are!
He mea nui
It’s important
He kōhukihuki
It’s urgent
He kupu kōhukihuki
An urgent message
Kei te hē tāu kōrero
What you are saying is wrong!
Kei te hē koe
You are mistaken
Kei te hē tō mahi!
What you are doing is wrong
Kei te hia moe au
I’m tired
Kei te whāwhai au
I’m in a hurry
Kua rite au!
I’m ready!
Kei te hiakai au
I’m hungry
Kei te hiainu au
I’m thirsty
Taku mōhio, āe
I think so
Kei te mōhio au
I know
I don’t know
Kāore au i te mōhio
I don’t know
Kāore au i mōhio
I didn’t know
Waiho au!
Leave me alone!
Wait a minute!
(He) Nui rawa te utu!
It’s too expensive
(He) Pai te utu!
It’s a good price!
(He) Māmā te utu!
It’s cheap!
Mā konei
This way
Mā konā
That way (by you)
Mā korā
That way (over there)
E noho!
Take a seat/sit down
Kuhu mai!
Come in!
Koinā noa iho
That’s all
Kei hea te wharepaku?
Where is the restroom?
Homai te…
Pass the… (singular)
Homai ngā…
Pass the… (plural)