Manufacturing Technologies Flashcards
Define UTS
Ultimate tensile strenght (maximum strenght)
Define true strain
dε = dl/l => έ = Ln(l/l°)
Définie engineering strain
e = Δl/lº
έ = Ln(1+e)
What hypothesis can be made about the volume of a deformed material?
It’s constant
What are the additivity specificities of the strain?
e1+ e2 ≠ e(tot)
ε1 + ε2 = ε(tot)
What are the two basics model for elastic and plastic strenght? In cold conditions
σ=Ε*σ (elastic behavior)
σ= Κε^n (plastic behavior) Holmon’s eq.
How to read the toughness on the σ/ε diagram?
It’s the area under the curve
In the Holmon equation, for metals, n is between ____ and ____
0.05 & 0.6 Øunit
0 -> rigid perfectly plastic
1 -> Elastic
In the Holmon equation, for metals, K is between ____ and ____ unit?
180 MPa (Al) - 2070 MPa (Co)
What is the effect of a temperature increase on the strain and the strenght?
A% increase,
σe and UTS decrease
Define the engineering and the true strain rate
ė = ν/l° engineering strain
dε/dt = ν/l
What is the basic model for the strenght in hot condition?
m: strain rate exponent coefficient (0.2-1.0)
C: strength coefficient (10-1000 MPa)
What are the name of the two phenomena (in tensile and compressive state)of shape changes?
What are the specificities of the torsion test?
No friction
High level of strain
Strength gradient
What is the effect of the increase of the strain rate on the strength?
(No effect on strain)
UTS increase with the strain rate
What are the 3 eq. Of the generalized Hook’s law?
ε1 = 1/Ε [σ1 - ν(σ2+σ3)]
ε2 = 1/Ε [σ2 - ν(σ1+σ3)]
ε3 = 1/Ε [σ3 - ν(σ2+σ1)]
What are the generalized Mises-Levy flow rules?
dεi = dέ/σ [σj - 1/2(σj +σk)]
What is the tresca criteria?
It’s a value above the one we observe yielding.
In mohr circle Y=σmin-σmax
k= Y/2
Y: uniaxial yield stress of the material
k: shear yield strenght of the material
Define the VM criteria
Yielding the following equality is satisfied:
(σ1-σ2)^2 + (σ2-σ3)^2 + (σ1-σ3)^2 = 2Υ^2
What become the VM & tresca criteria under plan deformation?
ε2 = 0
σ2 = (σ1 + σ3)/2
σ1 - σ3 = 2/ vΓ(3) * Υ
How is calculated the deformation work?
u= Yf * e1
Where Yf is the average yield stress
u = K e1^(n+1)/(n+1)
Work = u * volume
Efficiency of a deformation?
Extrusion 30%-60%
Rolling 75%-95%
What is the multiplicative factor between the projected area and the real contact area ?
4-5 order of magnitude lesser
Is the friction model of coulomb usable with any τ and σ? Remind the formula
σ = μ.τ
Only valuable for small τ and σ. After the tresca model is better.
What is the tresca friction model ?
τ = m.k
m = τi/k
k: shear yield stress of the softer material
τi: shear strenght
Is the coef of friction μ increasing or decreasing with the temperature? Why?
It increase a lot (0.05 -> 0.2)
Because of the oxides broken
The higher chemical attractively
The elastic limit less high
What the Archard wear law describes?
It estime the amount of material removed by wear from a surface
V = k.L.W/(3p)
What are the different forms of lubrication?
Thick film
What are the function of the lubricant ?
Reduce friction
Reduce tool wear
Thermal barrier
What are the characteristics of the lubricant?
Easiness to apply
Non-toxic and non-inflammable
Adaptable to different process conditions
How is selected a lubricant?
In function of:
• The process
• Compatibility with the WP/tool
• Preparation of the surface
• Methods to apply it and remove it
• Treatment of exhausted lubricant
• storage and conservation
• environmental and biological hazards
What’s the tolerance on forging process?
0,5% to 1%
What are the advantages of the forging process (comparing to casting)
Metal flow and grain structure can be controlled
– Results in good strength and toughness
– Near net shape
– Design reasonably complex
* Landing gear
* Connecting rods
* Complex shafts
What are the disadvantage of the forging process (comparing to casting)
– Dies are expensive, particularly for hot forging
– Highly skilled labor required
What is the main problem of the open die forging?
Describe the repartition of the stress in open die forging (plain strain)
pav = Yf’ (1+μa/h)
Maximal at the center:
a: rayon
h: height of the billet
What is called fullfering?
moves material away from center
What is called Edging?
moves material away from edges
What is called flashing?
Part of the matter outside the functional zone c(exceed of matter)
How is defined forgeability
It’s the capability of a metal to undergo deformation
without cracking
What test can be carried out to measure the forgeability?
upset test (compressive test)
hot torsion test (nb of twist before break)
What are the main defect of forging?
- Surface cracks (forgeability limits)
- Buckling
- Laps
- Internal cracks
What is the name of the process used to make coin?
What are its characteristics
coining, high pressure, die’s cavities totally closed
What’s is called heading?
Forging the end of a tip (bolt, screws)
What is piercing?
Punch inside a closed die to make a cavity
What is the name of the process:
* Uses rolls to shape parts
(ball bearings)
* Similar to shape rolling
but makes discrete parts
* Makes axis-symetrical parts
What is called orbital forging?
- Forms the part incrementally
– Small forging forces
because the die contact is
concentrated on a small part
of the workpiece at anyone
– Applicable to mostly
cylindrical shapes
What is Isothermal forging?
– Dies at same
temperature of workpiece
– No workpiece cooling
– Low flow stresses
– Better material flow
– More close tolerances
and finer details can be
What is called cogging?
– Cylindrical parts subjected to radial impact forces by reciprocating dies
– Used to reduce tube diameter and introduce rifling into gun barrels
What are the 4 differnts types of press and their advantages?
- Hydrolic press (Limited load)
- Mechanical press (energy limited)
- Screw press (energy limited)
- Hamer press (energy limited)
what are the variable for hot rolling process?
Depedent variables :
- Roll speed
- Draft (amount of thickness reduction) or roll gap
- Billet thickness
- Billet width
- Billet material
- Billet temperature
- Lubricant
indepedent variables :
- Roll force
- Power
- Speed of exiting strip
- Final strip temperature
- Maximum draft
- Roll strip contact length
- Sheet or plate shape
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Hot rolling process (quote 3 of each)
Hot rolling
– Stresses lower
– Forces smaller
– Power requirements less
– No work hardening
– Large deformations possible
– Breaks up the cast structure into preferable forms
– Closes porosity
– Sometimes the only way to create sheet
– Higher friction
– Rolls need to be cooled
– Material handling difficult
– Personnel must be protected from heat
What are the advantages and disadvantages of cold rolling process (quote 2 of each)
– Deformations of ~ 50 to 80%
– Work hardening increases strength
– Excellent surface finish
– Excellent tolerances on thickness and shape
– High forces
– Small reductions give rise to surface stresses and non-
uniform stress distributions
What is called neutral
Point in the arc of
contact where the roll
velocity and the strip
velocity are the same
How looks like the stress distribution in hot rolling along the roling direction?
As an idian tepee,
More the friction coef is high, more the stress is high and centered.
The less the friction, the closer of the output is the maximium.
What can be done to reduce the force needed for rolling?
Back/forward tension
What is the general friction coeff. for hot rolling?
Between 0,2 and 0,7
What are the effect of a two high rolling force? What are the solution to prevent it?
The rollers bend and flattern.
We can reduce the bending by adding back-up rollers
What can we control on the final product by using hot rolling?
- Thickness
– Roll gap which impacts roll force and hence the dimensions
of the mill frame - Width (due to spreading of slab)
– Edge rollers (push material back)
– Edge shears (cut material off) - Length
– End shears - Mechanical Properties
– Controlled by the microstructures which is controlled by the
rolling parameters
What is called Sendzimir rolling mill?
A lot of back-up roller on hot rolling (pyramde 3-based+driving wheels)
What can be produced using shape rolling?
– I-Beams
– H-sections
– Rails (trains)
– Angle iron
How is called the process permiting to forge thorical axis-symetrical parts?
Ring rolling
What is Thread rolling?
It’s a process involving flat dies, moving parrally to their surface. Threads can be forged at high speed with high mechanical resistance.
What is called process Mannesmann?
A process for tubes-making using a defect (cavity) in the center of bar. The defect is opened by using a mandrel.
What is called trimming?
Removal of the flashing
What is called extrusion process?
2D geometry extruded:
- Push an ingot through an orifice
with the desired shape - Both hot and cold extrusion are
What are the different type of extrusion?
- Direct
- Indirect
- Impact (mix btw indirect + forging)
- Hydrostatic
- Lateral extrusion
What are the mains parameters of direct extrusion process?
The die angle, reduction in cross-section, extrusion speed,
billet temperature, and lubrication all affect the extrusion pressure
What are the components of the force needed to carry out direct extrusion process?
Plastic deformation
their is an optimum die angle
What are the advantages of cold extrusion?
– Improved mechanical properties
– Work hardening
– Good control of tolerances
– Improved surface finish
– Elimination of heating costs
– High production rates
Describe the cold extrusion process
Two punch in front of each other in a closed matrix
What are the advantages of the hot extrusion?
Lower stress
Only way for certain materials.
To what are due the cracks in extrusion process?
high speed
high friction
high temperature