Manufacturing Flashcards
Computer Aided Design
- use of computers to produce technical drawings
Computer Aided Manufacturing
- use of software and computer-controlled machinery to automate a manufacturing process
Drape forming
Used if a large bend or curve is required.
Polymer sheet heated (often in oven to ensure it is evenly heated), once softened it is draped over a former and a piece of cloth pulled tightly across it to hold the shape until it has cooled.
Press moulding
Plastics (thin polymer sheets - e.g. acrylic and HIPS)
Used to produce more complex shapes such as trays and dishes.
Two pieces call the yoke (upper) and plug (base), heated polymer sheet placed between them and clamped together until material is cool. Once cool cut of excess plastic.
Vacuum forming
Plastic/polymer (usually HIPs, sometimes acrylic)
Can create more complex shapes.
Similar to press moulding but uses a machine. Plastic sheet heated, then air pressure is used to shape it over the mould. Polymer is fixed across the top of the machine via clamping. This must form an airtight seal. Below is the air chamber with the mould. When plastic has been heated sufficiently the mould is raised and air between the mould and plastic is evacuated by an air pump.
Industrial CNC drilling machine
- used in furniture industry to drill holes for knock-down fittings
- drill a series of holes into a pre-set depth in timber pieces
- used to engrave wood or cut deeper pieces
Wood Lathes
Between-centres turning:
- used to make products such as chair legs and rolling pins
- start with a square piece which is placed on a motor and turned so you can add tools to it to make it round
Faceplate turning:
- used to make products such as bowls
- turning tools: gouges (concave + curved edges), scrapers (flat-slightly curved), parting tools (thin, v-tipped) , spoon cutters (spoon-shaped)
Industrial CNC lathe
- A lathe spins the work at high speed as a cutting tool is introduced to the metal to produce round and cylindrical shapes.
CNC wood lathe
- used to create identical pieces, such as those used in stair balusters
- cuts identical designs quickly and repeatedly via a computer-controlled cutting head.
Used to cut grooves in timber and manufactured boards
A high speed cutter is placed into the material and moved around.
Different bits for different grooves:
- panel pilot bit, straight bit, V grooving bit, dovetail bit, cove box bit
Industrial CNC router
Industrial Computer Numerical Control router
- computer-controlled cutting machine, high-precision manufacturing technique
- very large and expensive
- built for long operating hours, but have fast cutting speeds, automatic tool changes and advanced dust collection systems
- cuts a variety of materials such as wood, composites, steel, plastics and glass
A type of bending
- making saw cuts so that wood can bend
Steam bending
- placing timber in a sealed box that is filled with steam
- the timber absorbs the moisture and becomes softer and easier to bend
- it is them placed in a former and claimed while it dries out
- to produce curved shapes in wood
- thin layers of wood are glued together and half around a former until the glue sets
- laminating pressed can be used for larger scale
Vacuum pressing:
- wood bending method
- vacuum bag connected to pump removes air inside and allows pressure outside to hold the veneers in places as the glue dries
Curtain coating machine
- a process in which the object or substrate to be coated is guided through a curtain of fluid
- a finish
Roller coaters
Machines that apply a thin, even coating of adhesive to Tim er pieces for assembly, including laminating.
Planing machine
- removed excess wood and produces a smooth surface finish.
- most common are Jack planes and Smoothing planes
- always plane along the grain otherwise you tear the wood surface
- can have small hand held (electric) or industrial plainers
- Jack : for fine finishing ad planing end grain
- Smoothing : quick removal of waste wood to make flat surfaces
- Bullnose: plaining into corners
- Rebate: cuts out rebates or grooves along edges
- Router: cuts grooves along grain
- Spoke shavers: round edges on curved timber
- abrasive paper to prepare for a finish is done by hand
- orbital sanders are portable hand held sanding machines (abrasive paper attached to a rotating circle)
- palm sanders are small and are triangle shaped so you can sand corners
- belt sanders have a motor that drives two drums that turn a continuous band (like in school) + fitted to an extraction system
- disc sanders are bench mounted machines that have circles of abrasive paper spinning on a disc (like in school)
The amount by which a measurement can vary without affecting the ability of the product to be manufactured accurately.
measured in +/- mm.
Can also be used for circuits and resistors (which limit flow of current around a circuit).
Jigs and fixtures
A jig is a device that guides the tool on a machine.
A fixture is the device that holds the work in place - allows it to be machined easily and quickly.
Templates and patterns
Templates: mark our awkward or irregular shapes repeatedly. Any thin, fairly rigid material is suitable for a template.
Patterns: something fixed directly onto he material to guide cutting. Paper patterns are often printed and glued on to timber.
Go-no-go gauge
A quality control tool used to check tolerance
Has a go and a no-go side, when testing the product one side must pass and the other must fail
Stock forms/sizes/types
Stock size - standard size material is processed to
Timber is sold either rough sawn or planed (planed can be both, PBS, or all round, PAR).
The size of planed timer is described as the nominal (rough sawn) size, but will actually be 3mm smaller.
PAR timber is more expensive than rough sawn and only used where accuracy + smooth finish are required.
Timber can often be cut to any size/section required (plank, board, strip, square, dowelling, timber moulding)
Standard components
+ examples
Pre-manufactured standard components.
- wood screws (wood to wood/metal/plastic) (neat and strong)
- nails (quick way to join wood) (usually steel)
- hinges (movable joint that swings as it opens and closes)
- stays (used on doors to control how they open, stay open and close)
- handles
- runners (for drawers, to guide them to open and close)
- locks
- catches (keep lids on boxes/doors on cabinets shut)
Knock down fittings
7 types
Modern way of jointing material ps quickly and easily without clamps or glue. (Used in flat-packs so can be assembled and disassembled).
Only need basic tools such as hammer, screwdriver and drill.
- two block fitting
- corner block
- rigid joint
- connector belt
- cross dowels
- cam locks
- bench top joiners
- table plate
To maintain structural integrity of timber products
Triangulation involves using triangular shapes to give stability to structure
Can be used of roofs, doors …
Knock down fittings:
Corner block
Two block fittings
Rigid joint
- made from moulded plastic
- used for joining timber pieces are right angles
- screws fasten the fittings to the timer pieces
- used in frames, shelving units, bookcases and small tables
Knock down fittings:
Connector bolt
Cross dowels
- made from steel or brass
- bolts and threaded pieces fit into holes in timber
- as bolts are tightened the two pieces are pulled together
- used in beds + bedroom furniture, e.g. wardrobes and drawers
Knock down fittings:
Cam locks
- made from steel
- disc and threaded bolts fit into holes in timber
- bolt shaft engages with slot in disc
- disc is rotated by a screwdriver + locks shaft in position
- used in bed, bedroom furniture, wardrobes + drawers
Knock down fittings:
Bench top joiners
Table plates
- made from steel
- curved or angles plates inserted into holes in each piece
- nut and bolt goes through plates
- as bolt tightens, pieces pulled together
- bench top: joining kitchen worktops and benches
- table plates: joining large table legs to table tops
Marking-out tools
Used before cutting/bending/shaping/joining materials to ensure accuracy
Stereo lithography
A new and emerging process/technology
A laser traces the shape of a layer onto liquid resin which is then cured. Process repeated until final product made.
Laser sintering
A new and emerging process/technology
Laser traces shape onto powder (metal, ceramic, plastic) which becomes solid. Process repeated until shape made.
Just-in-time manufacturing
Close relationship with suppliers
Parts arrive as needed, directly from supplies
- less storage space needed
- minimal waste
- production runs change easily to other products
- ves
- unexpected demand causes delays
- process delayed if problem with supplier
Lean manufacturing
Looks at whole manufacturing process
Works to create the best product to meet consumer demand
+ effective & efficient
+ eliminates waste
+ scrap/waste/used timber downcycled/used to make manufactured board
One-off/bespoke manufacturing
Marking out:
Individually drawn and cut
Hand held - saws (band/scroll/tenon/coping) planers, drills (pillar), sanders, lathes
Files, chisels
Dovetail and finger joints
Varnishes, dyes, oils
Hand/painted/rubbed (cloth)
Batch manufacturing
Marking out:
Templates and jigs
Some computer controlled
Machines: CAD/CAM - CNC router/lathe/laser cutter Guides/gauges - pillar drill, band saw Planers Spray painting
PVA, screws, knockdown fittings, dowelling/finger joints
Small batches - hand or spray painted
Laminate - hand or machine
Mass/continuous manufacturing
Marking out:
All computer controlled (machines already set up)
Machines: CAD/CAM CNC lathe + router Curtain coater Circular saw Planers
But joints
Knockdown fittings
Curtain coating paint