Manuevers Flashcards
Normal static takeoff
2200 RPM
BRAKES RELEASE (heels on deck)
Full throttle
Vr is 85 mph
Positive rate gear up
108 (blue line) to 1000 ft
Cruise check
Power 20 in at 2400
Mixture - lean at 9
Fuel selector to aux (3)
Fuel caps - check all
Clearing turns
160 mph / clean
30 degrees AOB for 90 L/R
Steep turns
150 mph / clean
Fuel set to aux
Power at 20 in at 2400
45 AOB turns (180 L/R)
Power off stall
Altitude at least 5000 ft
C/B pull
Mixtures and props full forward
Flaps/gear - Up “ we are clean”
Throttles to idle
Maintain altitude and heading until stall horn
Push, roll, power, stabilize
Throttles to 20 in at 108 mph
Power on stall
Altitude at or above 5000 ft
Airspeed less than 130 mph
Mixtures and props full forward
Throttles reduce to 15 in
Flaps 10 degrees in three seconds
Throttles reset to 20 inches
Pitch to 20 degrees nose high
At stall horn recover, flaps immediately
Throttles reset to 20 inches
Approach stall
Altitude at least 5000 ft
Airspeed less than 165 mph
Mixtures and props full forward
Gear - down (below 165 mph )
throttles - 15 in
Flaps - full ( below 130 mph)
Roll 30 degrees AOB
Throttles - idle
At first sign of stall - recover
Flaps - up
Positive trend - gear up
Throttles - 20 in at 108 mph
Unusual attitudes
Nose high
Throttles full forward
Keep AOB too horizon, then level
Nose low
Throttles - idle
Wings - level completely, pull
Emergency descent
Throttles 15 in
Prop - 2400 RPM
mixtures - full forward
Pitch - 1000 FPM descent
Airspeed - 160 - 170 mph