Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: Gravity eliminated, no joint movement, no palpable contraction
0 (0)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: gravity eliminated, no joint movement, palpable contraction
1 (T= Trace)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: gravity eliminated, <100% of available range
2- (P- =Poor-)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: gravity eliminated, 100% of available range
2 (P=poor)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: against gravity, <50% of available range
2+ (P+ = Poor +)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: against gravity, >50% of available range
3- (F-=Fair-)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: against gravity, 100% of available range
3 (F=Fair)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: against gravity, 100% of available range, minimal manual resistance
3+ (F+ =Fair+)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: against gravity, 100% of available range, minimal-moderate manual resistance
4- (Good-)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: against gravity, 100% of available range, moderate manual resistance
4 (G=Good)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: against gravity, 100% of available range, moderate-maximal manual resistance
4+ (Good+)
Grade the following patient according to the Standard Manual Muscle Test Scale: against gravity, 100% of available range, maximal manual resistance
5 (N=Normal)