Manual Muscle Testing Flashcards
Shoulder Flexion
Prime mover: Anterior Deltoid
Starting position: Shoulder at 90° of flexion
Stabilizing hand: On top of shoulder
Resisting hand: Proximal to the elbow
Gravity eliminated: Side lying
Shoulder Extension
Prime mover: Posterior deltoid OR Latissimus dorsi
Starting position: Shoulder is extended
Stabilizing hand: On top of the shoulder
Resisting hand: Proximal to the elbow
Gravity eliminated: Side lying
Shoulder Abduction
Prime mover: Medial deltoid
Starting position: Shoulder at 90° of abduction
Stabilizing hand: On top of the shoulder
Resisting hand: Proximal to the elbow
Gravity eliminated: Supine
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
Prime mover: Posterior deltoid
Starting position: Shoulder at 90° of flexion
Stabilizing hand: On top of the shoulder
Resisting hand: Proximal to the elbow
Gravity eliminated: Tabletop, on a supported surface
Shoulder Horizontal Adduction
Prime mover: Pectoralis major
Starting position: Shoulder at 90° of flexion
Stabilizing hand: On top of the shoulder
Resisting hand: Proximal to the elbow
Gravity eliminated: tabletop
Shoulder Internal Rotation
Prime mover: Pectoralis major OR Latissimus dorsi
Starting position: Shoulder at 90° of adduction and elbow at 90° of flexion
Stabilizing hand: On the elbow
Resisting hand: Proximal to the wrist
Gravity eliminated: Side lying
Shoulder External Rotation
Prime mover: Infraspinatus
Starting position: Shoulder at 90° of adduction and elbow at 90° of flexion
Stabilizing hand: On the elbow
Resisting hand: Proximal to the wrist
Gravity eliminated: Side lying
Elbow Flexion
Prime mover: Biceps brachii
Starting position: Shoulder at 90° of flexion and elbow at 90° of flexion
Stabilizing hand: On the elbow or on top of the shoulder
Resisting hand: Proximal to the wrist
Gravity eliminated: Side lying
Elbow Extension
Prime mover: Triceps brachii
Starting position: Shoulder at 90° of flexion and elbow at 90° of flexion
Stabilizing hand: On the elbow or top of the shoulder
Resisting hand: Proximal to the wrist
Gravity eliminated: Side lying
Wrist Flexion
Prime mover: Flexor carpi radialis (name any in flexor group)
Starting position: Elbow at 90° of flexion, forearm supinated, wrist in neutral position making a fist with the hand
Stabilizing hand: On the wrist
Resisting hand: Distal to the wrist
Gravity eliminated: Tabletop
Wrist Extension
Prime mover: Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (name any in extensor group)
Starting position: Elbow at 90° of flexion, forearm supinated, wrist in neutral position making a fist with the hand
Stabilizing hand: On the wrist
Resisting hand: Distal to the wrist
Gravity eliminated: Tabletop