Maneuvers Flashcards
Objective of Steep Turns
To Teach the Student to fly in a steep bank, maximum performance turns while using inside and outside references
Objective of S-Turns
To teach the students how to keep a constant radius turn around a point while correcting for wind using inside and outside references
Objective of Turns around a Point
To teach students how to keep a constant radius around a point while using inside and outside references.
Objective of Slow Flight
To teach the student positive Aircraft control at the speed at which any increase in angle of attack, increase in load factor or reduction in power would result in an immediate stall
Objective of Power On Stalls
To teach the student how to recognize and recover from a stall in Takeoff or departure procedures.
Objective of Power Off Stalls
To teach the student how to recognize and recover from a stall in the Landing configuration
Objective of Accelerated Stalls
To demonstrate to the student that the aircraft will stall at higher airspeed under increased load factor
Objective of Vmc Demo
To teach the student a plan and the procedure of how to recover from loosing directional control while operating on a single engine
Objective of Airspeed Drag Demo
To demonstrate to the student the effects on aircraft performance under various configurations
Errors of Steep Turns
Gaining or loosing altitude
Failure to Maintain Constant Bank Angle
Poor Flight Control Coordination
Performance by reference to instruments instead of visual references
Failure to roll out to early or too late on heading
Errors of Power Off Stalls
Uncoordinated use of flight controls Failure to recognize stall Failure to achieve a stall Delayed recovery Secondary Stall Too nose down attitude
Errors of Slow Flight
Failure to maintain airspeed Not maintaining altitude and heading Fixation on inside Stall Moving hands from Throttles
Errors of Power On Stall
Failure to recognize Stall Failure to achieve Stall Delayed recovery Uncoordinated flight controls Secondary stall To much nose down attitude
Errors of Accelerated Stalls
Failure to recover properly from Stall
Not banking over far enough
Errors of S-Turns
Bad entry
Improper correction of wind direction
Failure to maintain altitude or airspeed
Fixating either outside or inside to much