Maneuvers Flashcards
Flapless approach
Mid downwind - gear down
Abeam touchdown point - power 17”
Prop - high
Looking 90kts, 85kts, 80kts
500ft call out
Normal landing
Mid downwind - gear down
Abeam touchdown point - speed below 103 flaps 10
Turning base speed below 103 flaps 25, Prop - high
On final, power 17” speed below 103 flaps 40
500ft call-out
Looking 95kts, 85kts, 75kts
Slow flight (clean)
Power idle
Pitch to maintain altitude
Trim 75kts
At 80kts power to 15”
Speed 75kts
500 ft call-out
Mixture - Rich
Prop - High
Gear down, Three green
Flap 40
(Touch and go, Cleared to land)
Steep turns
19” 2400rpm
Smooth quick bank to 30
Increase power to 22/23”
Bank to at least 45
Steep glide
Throttle idle
Prop high
Pitch and trim 79kts
Bank 30 and maintain 79
Bank 45 and maintain 95 - no higher so just under
To recover: level wings, smoothly pitch up and add power below 100kts
Clean stall
AIRFRAME, fluelpump on lights on, prop high
SECURITY, strapped in nothing in the backs gonna come and hit us
ENGINE, Ts and Ps in the green
LOCATION, Clear of Active airports, Built up areas, Clouds, Controlled airspace, Danger areas
LOOKOUT, 90 left 90 right or 180
Power idle “gear warning acknowledged not in landing configuration”
Pitch to maintain altitude
Recover at heavy buffet nose drop
Full power and pitch down simultaneously
Break stall and aim for 100kts S&L
Base to final stall
AIRFRAME, gear down below 129, speed below 103 flaps 10+25, fluelpump on lights on, prop high below 100kts
SECURITY, strapped in nothing in the backs gonna come and hit us
ENGINE, Ts and Ps in the green
LOCATION, Clear of Active airports, Built up areas, Clouds, Controlled airspace, Danger areas
LOOKOUT, 90 left 90 right or 180
Power 15”
Pitch to maintain altitude
Bank 20
Recover at initial - stall horn
Full power and pitch down simultaneously
Then wings level
Gear up, speed below 107
Positive rate, safe speed 70kts flaps 10
Positive rate, safe speed 75kts flaps 0
Aim for 90kts
Final approach stall
AIRFRAME, gear down below 129, speed below 103 flaps 10+25, fluelpump on lights on, prop high below 100kts
SECURITY, strapped in nothing in the backs gonna come and hit us
ENGINE, Ts and Ps in the green
LOCATION, Clear of Active airports, Built up areas, Clouds, Controlled airspace, Danger areas
LOOKOUT, 90 left 90 right or 180
Speed below 103 flaps 40
Power 15”
Pitch to maintain altitude
Recover at initial - stall horn
Full power and pitch down simultaneously
Retract to flap 25
Gear up, speed below 107
Positive rate, safe speed 70kts flaps 10
Positive rate, safe speed 75kts flaps 0
Aim for 90kts
Emergency decent
Run engine fire in flight checklist
A - Airspeed 79kts
B - Best landing spot, 1000ft abeam touchdown point
C - Checklist, try to restart engine checklist
D - Declare, 121.5 squawk 7700, Mayday, passenger brief
E - Execute, when committed to landing checklist
On recovery prop high first
Passenger brief PFL
Remain calm, Harnesses seatbelt secure, tanks off any sunglasses/ sharp objects, meet 50ft behind aircraft forward ppassenger then aft then me, unlatch door at 300ft - top then bottom latch
Takeoff briefing
Using runway X
Runway length
We need X ft distance
Rotation speed is X kts
Wind is from X and we have a X crosswind component
Then emergency bit as already do
Approach brief
Runway X
X hand traffic
Wind is
Approach speed
Passenger brief
S seatbelts and harness how to fasten and tighten
A air vents down by your feet you can slide the lever to have it open or closed
F fire extinguisher is here between us, to open undo latch, crash axe also behind seat if needed
E exit same way we came in through door you first then me, to undo top latch then bottom
T talking sterile cockpits during important phases of flight, traffic spotting
Y your questions any questions