Maneuvers Flashcards
Normal TO
- flaps 0
- full power
- rotate at 75 KIAS
- climb at 88 KIAS
- positive rate = retract gear
- 1000’ AGL = pitch for 105 KIAS, 25” MAP, 2500 RPM
Normal Landing
- downwind 100 KIAS
- before landing checklist
- abeam touchdown = gear down, flaps 10
- base = flaps 25, airspeed 90 KIAS
- final = flaps full, airspeed 80 KIAS
- short final = GUMPS, airspeed 72 KIAS
Short field TO
- flaps 0
- all available runway
- full power with brakes full
- rotate at 70 KIAS
- climb at 82 KIAS
- positive rate = retract gear
- clear of 50’ obstacle = accelerate to 88 KIAS
- 1000’ AGL = pitch for 105 KIAS, 25” MAP, 2500 RPM
Short field Landing
- downwind 100 KIAS
- before landing checklist
- abeam touchdown = gear down, flaps 10
- base = flaps 25, airspeed 90 KIAS
- final = flaps full, airspeed 80 KIAS
- short final = GUMPS, airspeed 72 KIAS
- touchdown 3rd centerline stripe
- raise flaps, back pressure, max wheel braking
Slow flight
- clearing turns
- cowl flaps open
- throttles to 15” MAP
- gear down below 140 KIAS
- full flaps below 111 KIAS
- props high RPM
- maintain heading & altitude while reducing airspeed
- power to maintain minimum controllable airspeed
- props high RPM
- throttles full
- flap, gear, flap, flap
- cowl flaps as required
- assume cruise airspeed and power
Power off stall
Min altitude 3000’ AGL
- clearing turns
- throttles to 15” MAP
- gear down below 140 KIAS
- full flaps below 111 KIAS
- props high RPM
- stabilize airplane at 80 KIAS
- throttles idle
- pitch for a stall
- recover at first indication
- reduce angle of attack
- pitch for Vy
- props full forward
- throttle full forward
- flap, gear, flap, flap
- resume cruise airspeed and power
Departure stall
Min altitude 3000’ AGL
- clearing turns
- throttles to 15” MAP
- cowl flaps open
- props high RPM
- at 75 KIAS - apply 20” MAP (65% power)
- gradually increase AOA
- recover at first indication
- reduce angle of attack
- pitch for Vy
- props full forward
- throttles full forward
- resume cruise airspeed and power
Accelerated stall
Min altitude 3000’ AGL
- clearing turns
- throttles to 15” MAP
- props high RPM
- at 95 KIAS - enter and maintain 45 degree bank
- increase backpressure til first indication of stall occurs
- release backpressure
- props high RPM
- throttles full forward
- recover to straight and level attitude
- return to cruise configuration when cruise airspeed is established
Steep turns
- clearing turns
- power as required, approx. 2300 RPM, 21” MAP
- airspeed 120 KIAS
- 50 degree bank for two 360 turns
VMC Demo (To first stall indication)
Min altitude 4000’ AGL
- clearing turns
- throttles to 15” MAP
- cowl flaps open on op engine, closed on inop engine
- landing gear retracted
- flaps up
- mixture full rich
- props high RPM
- throttle to idle on 1 engine, at approx. 90 KIAS
- throttle full forward on remaining engine
- slowly reduce airspeed while maintaining directional control with rudder and aileron
- establish bank angle into op engine (not to exceed 5)
- at first indication of stall, initiate recovery
- reduce AOA by lowering nose, simultaneously reducing power on the op engine to regain directional control & airspeed
- pitch to maintain VYSE
- announce maneuver complete
VMC Demo (To loss of control)
Min altitude 4000’ AGL
- clearing turns
- throttles to 15” MAP
- cowl flaps open on op engine, closed on inop engine
- landing gear retracted
- flaps up
- mixture full rich
- props high RPM
- throttle to idle on 1 engine, at approx. 90 KIAS
- throttle full forward on remaining engine
- slowly reduce airspeed while maintaining directional control with only rudder
- ailerons remain neutral
- at first indication of loss of directional control or reaching VMC, initiate recovery
- reduce AOA by lowering nose, simultaneously reducing power on the op engine to regain directional control & airspeed
- pitch to maintain VYSE
- announce maneuver complete
Simulated emergency descent
- clearing turns
- carb heat on
- throttle idle
- prop full forward (above 100 KIAS)
- landing gear extend below 140 KIAS
- full flaps below 111
- bank 30-45 degrees
- maintain 111 KIAS
Recovery: No lower than 1,000’ AGL
- mixture rich
- add full power
- establish pitch attitude to maintain level attitude (pitch up to avoid overspeeding flaps)
- flap, gear, flap, flap
- accelerate to 88 KIAS & establish positive rate of climb