Maneuvers Flashcards
- Disengage AP/AT
- Smoothly apply nose down until buffet or stick shaker stops, Trim down if required
- roll in the shortest direction to wings level
- advance thrust levers
- retract speed brakes
- dont not change gear of flap (unless during lift of, if so call for flaps 1)
- Disengage AP/AT
- AGGRESIVELY apply full thrust
- roll wings level and pitch to 20
- Retract speed brakes
- if not enough pitch, go to the PLI
“TCAS RA I have control”
1. Disengage AP/AT
2. Follow RA
3. “FDB123 TCAS RA” “clear of conflict, returning to FL”
UPRT - high nose
“Upset I have control”
Disengage AT/AP
Nose down, trim down
Reduce thrust
Roll to reduce lift
Horizon – wings level
TCAS RA in landing configuration
“TCAS RA I have control”
1. Disengage AP/AT
2. advance thrust levers forward ensuring maximum thrust
3. Call for flaps 15
4. positive rate, gear up
UPRT - Low nose
“Upset I have control”
Recover from stall
Roll to wings level (unload)
Pull up smoothly, trim up
Apply Thrust
Severe turbulence
Yaw damper - on
Autothrottle - disengage
Autopilot - CWS
Engine start switches - FLT
Thrust - Set (280/0.76) or FMC N1
Windshear Escape
Disengage AP
Aggressively apply max power
Disengage AT
Wing Level//15 Attitude
Speedbrakes retracted
Follow FD