Mandarin- Phrases IV Flashcards
Is mine (it’s mine)
Shi wo-de (shu wo duh)
Shi (shu)
Not is mine (it’s not mine)
Bu shi wo-de (bu shu wo duh)
Is yours (it’s yours)
Shi ni-de (shu ni duh)
Not is yours (it’s not yours)
Bu shi ni-de (bu shu ni duh)
You are mine
Ni shi wo-de (ni shu wo duh)
To do/doing
Zuo (zua)
You doing what? ( what are you doing?)
Ni zuo shen me ne
You now doing what? (What are you doing now?)
Ni zai zuo shen me ne (ni za zuo shen me ne)
You say what?
Ni shuo shen me
You want what? (What do you want)
Ni yao shen-me (ni yao shen muh)
I need you
Wo yao ni
Not use, thanks (no thanks)
Bu yong, xie xie
Not use thanks (you’re welcome)
Bu yong xie
To come
Lai (lie)
I’m coming
Wo lai
You coming?
Ni lai ma (ni lie ma)